Fin Domme from his Perspective

After my previous post on the The Simp, pivoting to talk about financial domination seems the right move. It’s both the exact opposite and the kind of thing that would really annoy anyone who subscribes to the simp idea. So goodness all around.

I’ve seen a lot of fin domme writing from the domme perspective, but not so much from the submissive side. I therefore enjoyed this Girl on the Net guest post, written by Harley, owner of Harlequin Works. It’s a nice clear take on why financial domination works for him.

I personally find financial domination fascinating because it’s not my kink, yet I often find descriptions of it to be very hot. To draw a very weird comparison – it’s a bit like enemas. I find them to be unpleasant and non-sexy in reality, while being very hot in the written word. I similarly find the enthusiasm of fin domme’s and their submissives to be very sexy, while having zero desire to part with my cash. Is voyeuristic enjoyment of fin domme a kink in itself?

I’m not sure where this image originally comes from (I found it here), but there’s definitely a fin domme storyline that can be spun from it if you’re that way inclined.

Author: paltego

See the 'about' page if you really want to know about me.

2 thoughts on “Fin Domme from his Perspective”

  1. Thanks Paltego.
    Thats a kink I knew really nothing about but I totally get the way money can be used to exert power, the real deal in a kink-interaction.
    I liked the example given of being told to pay for someones meal out but the neat part which really made the interaction was that the bill was not exorbitant, which shows some sympathy on the part of the Domme for her sub.
    Also, I liked the idea of the Domme taking charge of a subs income to teach them how to manage their finances, so the power exchange and the trust required from the sub brought serious real-world benefits to the sub.
    And finally, Harlequin Works is a nice site too know about. There dungeon under the floor was very clever!

    1. I enjoyed browsing the Harlequin site as well. Need to add them to be BDSM equipment page. That hidden cage in the floor was very cool. Maybe worth a post of its own in the future!

      As for the findomme kink, it’s definitely an interesting one. Not my kink, but I do get the appeal. Some nice elements of objectification (treating someone like a wallet), tease/denial, humiliation and straightforward power play. Definitely requires a high degree of trust once you get beyond picking up the tab for meals and into income management. I guess high risk but high reward if it works out for everyone.

      Glad the post surfaced something new and thanks for taking the time to comment.


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