Mistress Blunt and her Former Submissive

Mistress Blunt is continuing to produce some really top quality blog content. I previously featured her interview with her finsub, and she has now published a lengthy new interview with her former submissive Emmy. It’s very sweet and thoughtful. I loved this little exchange in it…

Emmy: …. So service in a D/s relationship… I do have this innate thing as a submissive of really enjoying being a support, or a pillar in somebody’s success and wellbeing. It’s both sexy and personally fulfilling. Whenever I was serving, especially cleaning and taking care of your space, I could fall into a meditative state, very similar to yoga. I would go through a flow in your house.

Mistress Blunt: I will say I would love to come back and see you napping. I’d come back, and you weren’t allowed on the bed or the furniture. So, you’d be curled up on the sheep skin like a little angel. I was just like, “My little heart.”

You can go read the whole thing here. I think it’s well worth it.

This is Mistress Blunt with Emmy Lewis, in a photograph from the interview.

Mistress Blunt is an NYC based pro-domme. You can find her professional site here, her twitter feed here and more from her blog here.

Emmy Lewis a NYC based pro-switch. You can find her professional site here and her twitter feed here.

Author: paltego

See the 'about' page if you really want to know about me.

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