I think it’s been pretty clearly established that mixing high-tech with a chastity device isn’t always the best idea in the world. However, that doesn’t mean mixing technology, kink and sex is always a bad idea. For example, these NoGasm and Edge-o-Matic 3000 devices featured here seem like interesting concepts to explore.
From what I can gather – not having tried the devices – they’re automated edging devices. A sensor in a butt plug is used to detect contraction in the pelvic floor, which in turn is used to turn off stimulation via a vibrator. It seems like a neat approach. Speaking for myself, I can never get close to orgasm with clenching those pelvic muscles, so I’d imagine it’d be fairly effective. Also, unlike the Bluetooth chastity devices, it seems pretty safe and unlikely to require a trip to the local ER to remove it. The Edge-o-Matic does include WiFi support for remote control, but the worst a hacker could do would be to mess with your orgasm via the vibrator speed. Demanding money in return for making a vibrator go faster isn’t quite the same as ransoming off the keys to someone’s chastity device.
The main issue I see is that it only appears to work with a fairly basic vibrator + magic wand accessories. I think it’d be a lot more compelling if it interfaced to something like a Tremblr Milking machine or a Venus device. That’d give more intense sensations, which would lead to a really compelling edging/ruining experience. From the bottom of this page, it sounds like those interfaces might be in the works.
If anyone has tried one of these, I’d love to hear your thoughts on it. If you’re interested in purchasing one then the source is Maus-Tec and the creator has a twitter thread on it here.
Of course, it’s always hard to beat the personal touch when it comes to edging and ruining orgasms. This is Sasha Foxxx – an expert at the art – shooting for Marks Head Bobbers and Hand Jobbers. I believe this image is from this specific clip.