While I’m on the theme of playspaces, here’s a particularly unique example from the yapoo folk. As far as I can tell from the images, it’s a toilet set-up inside a van. That’s certainly one way to get rid of your new car smell.
I’m intrigued to know who thought this up. Was it the sub? Were they thinking – ‘Getting pooped on is great, but you know what’d make it really hot? Doing it in traffic.’ Or was it a domme? Did they wait in line for a club bathroom one too many times and decide they’d create their own they could park outside? And can you valet it? If so, I hope they at least remember to crack a window.
Image sourced via this tweet. You can see more shots from the scene on the Yapoo site.
I’m dating myself but does anyone else remember pay toilets?
I remember encountering one in France years ago and being utterly perplexed by the concept.
The UK has an old expression of “To spend a penny” meaning to pee, which comes from the pay toilets. It was years before I realized where that expression came from!