Here’s some lovely artwork to celebrate the weekend. I’m afraid I’ve no idea who the artist is, but they’ve done a beautiful job with the colors and composition of the scene. It’s both an intense and serene moment.
If anyone can help me attribute this to the artist then please leave a comment. The post title is a nod to an obscure cult movie, but I’d be surprised if anyone guesses which.
Beautiful! The contrast between the bottom in red and flesh tones, and the top and everything else in blue is amazing. For me, because the top so perfectly fits with everything, it communicates that it’s her world/her domain and that he is there only at her invitation. Thanks for posting this, Paltego!
Yes – the coloring does a great job of suggesting that it’s her domain. Lovely harmony in the image.
That’s for that comment and astute observation!
Thank you for introducing this beautiful artwork (and thank you to the anonymous artist). Sometime ago, I had a session with a budding prodomme. It was not spectacular but was promising. I booked a second session, and showed this drawing. She immediately understood, and fulfilled my fantasies. Needless to say I continue to see Her.
Glad you enjoyed the artwork and the session worked out so well!
Hi ! I guess it has to be anonymous however the artist’s been reputed to be Mr( or Ms ? ) E.C.Yuki, known as a creator of Fem-Dom illustration in Japan.
You might want to see this:
Not kind of exactly traditional style such as Namio Harukawa’s artworks, this is one of the distinctive modern Fem-Dom Art now here in Japan, under the big infulence of Japanese Manga and Anime, including motif of “Ka-Wa-I-I” so to speak.
In terms of the material it’s definitely crucial of using the splendid color – Blue.
On the other hand, the dark hue of his back skin where we can see Whip marks.
As you noticed the contrast would make what painting was all about.
The Blue of background and the dark hue of his back skin…
Besides, the depiction of sub-male seems like “The Yapou, human cattle” ; that notorious Japanese old literature “Kachiku-jin Yapou”「家畜人ヤプー」 probably you might know already this one.
I’m afraid of not to be sure about “obscure cult movie” ? What is that ?
Would you mind if I ask ?
Ok. thank you. I hope this could help for you…
homer マゾヒスムに花束を!
best regards
Thanks for sharing the artist name. I appreciate that, as I was definitely curious. I think it’s a lovely illustration. Will try and find more from same artist.
The obscure movie is nothing to do with femdom at all. It’s an old 70’s one called ‘Electra Glide in Blue’. The blue motif just point me in mind of it. One of the odd random things
Thanks for stopping by to comment and share details on artist!
Also, I wonder if you like this: