Beauty and the Beast

At a quick glance I thought this image belonged to the genre: “Hot domme in fetish gears hangs out in gritty urban environment to create interesting study in contrasts.” It’s not a major kinky genre, but there are a few examples around. For example, this one from the late great Mistress Adrienne.

However, on looking more closely, there’s a pretty clear sign it’s not your average urban environment. That hooded naked man locked away in the pen for one. There’s something particularly sexy about over the top bondage. Adding extra control when it’s not needed makes it so much hotter. In this case to go along with the bars on the door there’s the thick chain hooked outside, the leather hood and the locked hands in mittens. Lovely.

The hot domme in question here is Mistress Trinity accompanied by Heavy, sourced via this tweet. Unfortunately, the space is at Studio Avalon, which AFAIK closed in 2020.

Updated thanks to a helpful comment: The space is probably Residenz Avalon, rather than the studio. Unfortunately, it’s also no longer around. You can see a video from what used to be here.

Author: paltego

See the 'about' page if you really want to know about me.

9 thoughts on “Beauty and the Beast”

  1. Lovely it is. And reminds me of a ‘new ending for an old favourite’ I wrote… in… in… 2009 or so? Goodness.

    from Beauty and the Beast

    “So if your true love kisses you before the last petal falls, you resume your true form as a handsome prince? gasped Belle, staring at the wilting rose.

    “Yes” replied the hapless beast. “One kiss and all of this castle and kingdom will be restored as it was before I was enchanted, and I will assume the throne. But if the petal falls first, I remain a beast for ever, without even the power of speech that I have now.”

    The two gazed at the rose, in its glass case. Having perhaps been disturbed by their footsteps on entering the room, the last petal drooped gently down, hanging on to the stem by the merest thread.

    “A beast for ever…” murmured Belle, absent-mindedly stroking the collar and leash that she held in her hand.

    She started tapping the glass case gently with the end of her riding crop.

    “But still rich, right?”

    1. Hello Servitor and paltego

      Long time lurker here; thought I’d finally comment.

      That’s a lovely piece you wrote there Servitor.

      And thanks paltego for this wonderful resource for Femdom related material you’ve put together and have kept up all these years. A true beacon of light.

    2. I love that. A definite improvement on the original. If only one of the Disney parks many kingdoms was dedicated to cruel Princesses. I think it’d be a huge hit.


    1. No problem and thanks for helpful comments. I hadn’t actually realized there was a difference between the two. I’ll add a qualifier to the post along with a link to an interesting video on it I found. Shame it’s now gone the same way. Damn covid screwed up so much.


      1. Covid destroyed so many lives! Perhaps worse than the outright death, certainly painful in its own right, but those of us condemned to go on “living” are suffering life incarceration at the hands[?] of that viscous virus. No going anywhere, seeing anyone except our appointed caregivers. If not for this outlet and books that one cannot afford, life is empty.
        The temptation to think of it as cosmic karma, a penalty for thinking as some others would call sin, or worse, is strong. Instead, one visualizes a flogger on the back as one kneels between the beautiful legs of perfect Female Dominant Diety to worship the Sacred Fountain of Eternal Erotic Energy: Forgive me, Mother, for I have failed to sin sufficiently…. Thank You, Gracious Goddess; will You please whip this worthless turd once more?

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