What am I, Psychic?

After publishing my previous post on counting strokes in corporal punishment it struck me there was one related thing even more annoying. That is expecting me to automagically know that I’m supposed to do it.

There’ll be the initial hit, then a pregnant pause, followed by a “Well? What do you say?” The brat in me is always tempted to come back with something like “Hmmm. Ow I guess?” But no, it’s always the “One, Thank You Mistress” that has to follow.

This is really part of a bigger pet peeve of mine – assuming that everyone plays the same way. i.e. Their way. I’ve had dommes in introductory sessions tell me off for not knowing the ‘proper slave positions’.  Like there’s some goddamn illustrated manual we’re all supposed to read before we get our kinky freak on. I’ll happily follow orders, but I need to be given them first. There is no one true way.

I’m afraid I don’t know who this is wielding the brush, but she does look like she’s enjoying it.

Author: paltego

See the 'about' page if you really want to know about me.

5 thoughts on “What am I, Psychic?”

  1. But dommes being thoroughly unreasonable, making impossible demands and asking unanswerable questions is all part of the fun, Paltego. And we still have to apologise when we get it wrong… bless ’em. Life’s not supposed to be fair, you know. Not in session. Not in the sort of session I want, anyway.

    But then I love counting the strokes. I think we can just add both of these to the absurdly long list of kinks we don’t have in common.

    ‘Automagically’ is a good word, though.

    Best wishes


    1. Automagically is one from my day job in tech. When something turns out to do the right thing without necessarily having been deliberately programmed that way.

      Definitely another area where we deviate – I want my domme’s to be harsh but fair! If it’s impossible demands that are needed, I can just go talk to my boss 🙂


  2. Is she smiling because she’s satisfied with a job well done or is she smiling because she’s about to really lay it on and reduce a big strong man into a sobbing quivering mass of submission?

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