Attentive Table

I was planning to write a final post in my series on AI. Unfortunately, the weekend got away from me and now I don’t have the time. Instead, here is some lovely femdom eye-candy to start the week. I found it via a tumblr post but the discerning reader will recognize the source as the unmistakable Mistress Sybil Fury. She’s obviously a fan of the Scott Paul Humilator Gag.

Mistress Sybil Fury is an NYC based pro-domme. You can find her links to her online sites here.

Author: paltego

See the 'about' page if you really want to know about me.

5 thoughts on “Attentive Table”

    1. They are! I love the squirrel on his arm. Not particularly a tattoo fan, but those are great.

      I’m good! Crazy busy but good. Thanks for stopping by and asking. Hope all is equally well in your part of the world.


      1. Bouncing all over the place currently, which def keeps you busy, which is better than the alternative…

        I’m genuinely fascinated by all things AI btw, image generation in the right hands is becoming really cool, seemingly I blow at image creation, so would love to see the prompts people are using.

        While image generation is not ‘stealing’ in quite the same way or obviousness as AI and LLMs, there is surely an element of reproduction or plagiarism such that the new art is somewhat derivative…? But perhaps this has been the case in the world of art since it began?

        Anyway, please take care, stay busy, and remember to stop to breathe occasionally 😊

        1. The issue of plagiarism is going to be an interesting one with AI. I can see the argument that sucking down data from every other online artist to build your AI model is using other people’s work for personal gain. But also, exactly as you say, viewing and digesting other artists work is exactly what artists have done through history. Nobody starts creating art in a bubble. So what’s the difference and where do you draw the line? It’s a really interesting topic with no obvious answers.

          I’ll try and keep breathing! Thanks for stopping by and sharing thoughts.


  1. The last photo of the frontpage of her prpfessional website should be in the Louvre (maybe next to Mona lisa?)!

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