It’s becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish between hardcore kinky shenanigans and new age health treatments. Cross over examples in the past have been vaginal steaming, coffee enemas and drinking pee. The latest crazy therapy is shockwave treatment for the penis. According to this Guardian article, tech CEO Bryan Johnson ‘invented’ the approach.
“You have a wand and you sit in a chair and then the technician uses the wand and basically shocks your penis,” Johnson explained. He went on to say that the treatment does the same thing exercise does to the rest of the body, where you are creating micro-injuries so that the tissue rebuilds itself stronger than before. He rated the pain of the shocks as seven out of 10, and nine out of 10 at the tip.
I hadn’t realized that all my years of CBT play were actually strengthening my penis. Given the number of shocks I’ve received from leather clad ‘technicians’ by now I should have the ability to crack concrete with a well placed thrust. Admittedly, my shocks were mostly of the electrical kind, where I think Bryan’s technicians are using sound to generate shockwaves, but a micro-injury is a micro-injury however it’s created. Who knew all those kinky sessions were creating the penile equivalent of an Olympic athlete in my pants?
Given the crazy state of US healthcare, I’m guessing the cost of this ‘treatment’ is astronomical. Bryan should try looking up some of his local pro-dommes. I’m sure they’d be happy to inflict any kind of injury based strengthening routine he’d like to try. He could probably get his nipples and butt strengthened as well for no extra change.
This is the NYC based Mistress Sade treating one of her patients. No doubt he’ll emerge fitter and healthier at the end of it. This was sourced via this tweet on Mistress Sade’s Twitter feed.
Hope you’re feeling better paltego!
Interesting, I did have an ultrasound imaging done of mine to rule out more serious issues when I was diagnosed with Peyronie (I refuse to call it a disease, it is more a condition). Seems to me that higher intensity ultrasounds and deliberately creating scar tissue in that area is a big huge “NO” !
That said, the ultrasound was not painful. Certainly not a 10/10 on the pain scale or even a 7/10. 10/10 is what I’d attribute to both a burst appendix and passing kidney stones, both of which I also went through. Not the fun kind of pain at all.
Thanks. I am recovered from whatever bug it was.
I think (from the article) they’re using the kind of low frequency shock/impact device they use for breaking up kidney stones, rather than the ultrasound they use for imaging. I’ve never experienced that device, but given it can shatter a kidney stone, I’m guessing it can impart pretty intense sensations to a dick! Might be fun from a CBT perspective, but can’t believe it’s doing anything good for him and his penile health.
Sorry you had to deal with a burst appendix and passing kidney stones. Never had those myself, but from what I’ve heard, it’s horrendously painful. Definitely not the fun kind of pain
If I’m not wrong, there are ultrasound treatments for erectile dysfunction. Not sure if they are painful or not.
Interesting. Searching around does turn up some treatments. e.g.
According to that link it’s painless, so sounds different to what this guy was doing. Maybe he misunderstood the idea and was supposed to be using painless ultrasound all along?
I also found a similar clinic in my area of the world. Pity it is painless
! Or thank goodness, depending.