The Princess and the Pickle

It sounds like a fairytale from the X rated edition of Grimm’s tales, but the post title actually derives from this fun and sexy artwork. It’s by an artist I’ve not encountered before – kenisfake. Their twitter feed has a lot of equally well done pieces posted and they take commissions. Well worth checking out.
Original sourced from here.

Author: paltego

See the 'about' page if you really want to know about me.

3 thoughts on “The Princess and the Pickle”

    1. Glad you enjoyed the art! I was happy to stumble upon her feed.

      I generally use they/their not to make a pronoun point, but just because it’s still correct and it keeps things simple!


    2. With those pictures she’s taking it won’t be long before he’s on his knees begging for chastity to avoid having her show all his friends and once he’s locked he will be trained to serve. If he does a good job she’ll put a wedding ring on his finger and make him her’s forever. Lucky guy.

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