Letsby Avenue

My Twitter feed has been full of this image today – a police station converted into apartments, where they left a holding cell as a ‘decorative’ feature. The Daily Mail featured it a few days ago.

The cell itself would be fun to have. I’m sure we can all think of a lot of uses for it. However, there are a couple of major drawbacks. Firstly, the horrible grey floor they’ve chosen. A nice brown parquet would have been much more fitting. Secondly, it’s in Dudley in the West Midlands. No offense to any readers from Dudley but – despite its long and rich history – that’s not a particularly desirable location. And I say that as someone who grew up not a million miles from there.

If you’re  into cages, it’s probably better to stick to the portable kind. Something like the one Juniper Dolor is playing with below.

Image sourced via this tweet.

Author: paltego

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2 thoughts on “Letsby Avenue”

  1. A few years ago I wondered whether I could find enough other similar minded investors to buy the former Portsmouth (U.K.) prison when it went on sale. A rather lovely if stern looking Victorian prison with exercise yard etc I thought it would make a fantastic bondage hotel with dungeons for hire. Sadly it was just a dream and eventually it was sold and converted to apartments which were quite expensive for the Portsmouth area. It still looks like a prison from the outside which makes me wonder exactly who is buying them. Similarly the forts which are situated in the Solent, originally built to defend Portsmouth Harbour from the perfidious French, went up for sale and I thought a fort only reachable by boat or helicopter would make a great bondage holiday location if staffed with the right Mistresses.

    1. I looked up the Portsmouth prison. It does look quite picturesque from the outside. Nice crenellations. Although not sure I’d want to live in a converted one. Good vibe for a play space, but not maybe not a home.

      The problem with the forts would be the timewasters. Pro-domme’s get mad enough about cancellations as it is. I can just imagine the twitter post “I’d just landed at my Fort after a 30 minute boat journey in heavy swells, when the damn client cancelled on me! Now waiting for boat to come back. So mad.”


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