Found Femdom

Here’s some medical fetish femdom from an unusual source. This is a publicity still from the 1942 movie ‘To the Shores of Tripoli‘. That’s the brilliant Maureen O’Hara administering some painful treatment to actor John Payne. I’ve never seen the movie but I do love how much this makes Ms O’Hara smile.

Author: paltego

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4 thoughts on “Found Femdom”

  1. Hmmm…
    There are erotic pains and there are un-erotic pains and this looks like one of those.
    My advice to Nurse O’Hara is to rub some ether under the elastoplast to get the adhesive to loose its grip and then everyone will have energy for something more interesting.

    1. Oh, I don’t know. No matter how much it hurts, any activity that produces that kind of smile on a domme would always make it sexy to me (within reason).


  2. Oh COME ON! John PAYNE! Payne in pain! It’s almost too perfect!

    Glad nurse-lady is getting some back on the cocky GIs!

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