Subby School

I’m a bit late with a link to this article on a School for Submissives in Atlanta. It was first published just over a year ago. However, I thought it was interesting and still worth sharing. While the naming suggests classes and lessons, it sounds more like a support and experience sharing group.

It’s not something I’d find myself drawn to – I prefer to research and analyze alone – but I can see the value of the idea. Particularly if you’re mostly playing with lifestyle folk rather than professionals. There’s no link to the group in the article, but if you’re in Atlanta and interested, it sounds like they have a fetlife presence.

Of course I couldn’t mention a school without shamelessly using the opportunity to feature an attractive school mistress. Not sure what subject she teaches, but I’m willing to get a failing grade in whatever it is.

I think the originally site this is from has sadly ceased to be.

Author: paltego

See the 'about' page if you really want to know about me.

4 thoughts on “Subby School”

  1. Not really my thing either. I suppose if I booked a humiliation session, then went straight to a really effective support group for validation and support, I’d just end up back where I started. Can’t really see the point of that, but it takes all sorts.

    Best wishes


    PS, it is a shame that schoolmistressfantasy has ceased to be. But it was always a rather vanilla schoolmistress fantasy. There would be a few pictures in each set of mistresses waving a cane in a vaguely menacing manner, or (adult!) schoolgirls looking like they might be about to bully the viewer, but then the kit would come off and the rest of the shoot would be like something from a mainstream top-shelf magazine. Again, it takes all sorts: some guys just like looking at naked women not hurting anybody, I suppose… weird but I won’t criticise someone else’s sexual preferences. I was always looking for a more scholastic theme. But those first few pictures were always good.

    1. You never know your luck – maybe you could get kicked out of the support group for being a bad submissive. Bonus humiliation with no hourly fee attached!

      Oddly the only shots I’ve ever seen from school mistress fantasy have been like the one feature here. i.e. Stern ladies with canes, long skirts and a lot of pussy bow blouses. Didn’t realize they actually got undressed! Obviously the tumblrs I frequent have thankfully never bothered with the latter shots 🙂


      1. No, hang on, you’re right. I was confusing it with St McKenzie’s. Oh dear, that’ll be Servitor Junior reporting for six of the best, with no dressing gown, I expect.

        Best wishes


        1. Ah yes. That one I have seen more of the old school porn from – 2 vaguely kinky shots followed by 20 regular porn ones. Much more fun when everyone keeps their clothes on. Or at least when the important people keep their clothes on 🙂


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