
One of my favorite candid shots is the post-session one. There’s a lot of inherent ambiguity in them. You know there was some probably some intense and high energy event that just happened, but you don’t know exactly what or how it unfolded. We’re just left guessing from the aftermath.

This is a great example, posted by Maîtresse Blanche. It was taken after ‘a big lesson’. We can only guess at what that might have been, but I’m sure it was appreciated by all those involved.

Maîtresse Blanche is a pro-domme based in France. You can find her professional site here and her Twitter feed here.

Author: paltego

See the 'about' page if you really want to know about me.

4 thoughts on “Aftermath”

  1. Thank you. Speaking of aftermath, I love the snapshots of a femdom video series (I forgot the name) which they always end with the domme and sub sitting next to each other smiling. She is dressed and he is naked and bruised, but having a good time.

    Yes it is about having fun in a world that is crazy enough. If you know the producer, please let me know.

    1. That sounds like something from the old – Divine Bitches or Men in Pain. They use to do post-sessions chats around what happened and how the scene unfolded. Might have been copied by others of course, so no guarantee that’s exactly the one you saw!


  2. Thank you. Divine Bitches must be it. I took a look and was surprised to see both become naked during interviews. Maybe the dommes were not practicing pros but porn actresses. Anyway, the scenes were pleasant and relieving.

    Love those postsession chitchats fron my experience… even though they are flatteries. Relieves the pain and self-stigma.

    1. I think the dommes on the kink sites were a mixture of pro-dommes and porn performers. I know some of the dommes that shot for them and they were definitely pros (e.g. Mistress Matisse and Lydia McLane), but there were others who were clearly porn performers and shot for a variety of sites/scenarios. Plus, some pro-dommes have different limits for shooting scenes versus real life sessions.

      Hope you get to enjoy many post-session chats for the future!


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