My last post on Damiana Chi’s book on Dominatrix archetypes got me thinking: What is the full set of archetypes?
The book in question specifies four: Authoritarian, Seductress, Mother and Queen. That does seem a pretty core set, but is anything missing?
At first I thought roles like Teacher or Nurse should be included. After all, they are common characters used in scenes. However, on reflection I think they’re just window dressing on the underlying archetype. A teacher is typically an authoritarian. A nurse can be played as any of the above four archetypes, depending on the dynamic required.
Perhaps better suggestions for additional archetypes would be Princess and Amazon. Where you might think of a Queen as haughty, icy and commanding, a Princess archetype would be manipulative, playful and self-centered. I’m not sure that combination aligns with any of the above four. Similarly, I think of an Amazon archetype as being about physical power, independence and forcefulness, which doesn’t necessarily align with an Authoritarian or Queen.
Whatever the complete set is, the topic at least gives me a chance to feature images of each type. So for the next few posts, I’ll try and find a good examples. This seems like a perfect one for the Authoritarian archetype.
Image source is obviously OWK. Sourced via Assertive Ladies tumblr.