Fragrance of Choice

A third and final image in my series of femdom art that’s both interesting and unusual. This is by the Russian artist Waldemar Kozak and is entitled ‘I choose this fragrance.’ His work is (mostly) not femdom but it is erotic, with a style that incorporates pop art, vintage, sci-fi and surrealism. Not sure what’s going on here, or why the nurses have taken a break from treating their patient to search for fragrances, but it is an appealing image.

Updated: See this comment from Bacchus for what seems like an excellent explanation for what’s going on in this image.

The artist has a deviant art site, although it has sadly not been updated in a few years. You can also see a lot of his art on this page. I’m fairly certain I featured this image in a past post, although I can’t track it down now.

Author: paltego

See the 'about' page if you really want to know about me.

2 thoughts on “Fragrance of Choice”

  1. I have a theory that may explain some of what we’re seeing in this post. I travelled to Russia as a young man in the late Soviet period and in those days, it was completely normal for people heading into Russia to load up their luggage with French perfumes, small fashion items with recognizable designer labels, prestige cosmetics, and other portable luxuries difficult to obtain within the USSR. These would be given out as gifts (it was very normal to offer such items as a hostess gift when arriving at a dinner or party, or to your local date if you were waging any program of seduction) or of course they could be traded on the street for large quantities of rubles or, more likely, Russian luxury items that were otherwise difficult to obtain (caviar, five star Georgian brandy).

    The man passed out half a syringe of *something* in his right butt cheek suggests to me that those two perky nurses have put him down for an involuntary nap so they can go shopping in his luggage, which, obviously, is well-appointed for their purposes.

    1. That’s it! Brilliant. I’d heard of travelling with luxury goods to share/barter in the old Eastern block, but would never would have connected it with this. But now you point it out, it seems obvious. He’s clearly knocked out and they’re going through his stuff.

      Thanks Bacchus. You’re a wise man indeed.


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