Side Hustle

I’m not sure how I feel about this story about Lily Allen selling foot pictures on OnlyFans. On on one hand destigmatizing foot fetishes and selling erotic content is a good thing. On the other, the history of celebrities getting involved in sites like OnlyFans is not a good one. I suspect she’s doing it mostly as a joke, which doesn’t bode well. And the numbers the article throws around for the potential income are very silly.

The good news is that whatever celebrities do, there’s no danger of the web running out of pictures of feet anytime soon.

Author: paltego

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One thought on “Side Hustle”

  1. I’ve never really got foot fetishes. If that’s your thing that’s fine but it is definitely not mine. Some Mistresses seem to think that every slave wants to worship their feet and almost insist upon it and I will kiss feet etc if asked but I would prefer not to. It might be because I’ve been disabled since I was three and had a number of problems with my feet and they are covered in scars from the numerous operations I’ve had so my feet are really ugly but I just don’t like feet. I mean I enjoy grovelling at a Mistresses feet but it’s the position and and attitude that get me not the feet.

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