Professor of Pegging

If you’re NYC based and interested in kink workshops then you might want to check out the Taillor Collective. There’s a good article on them in The Cut which goes into particular detail on their pegging workshop.  It looks like they also run Femdom parties if you’re less into lessons and more into playing.

This isn’t an image from one of their parties. It’s a somewhat random strap-on shot I found via a tumblr.  No idea of the source but I like the apparent candid nature of it.

Author: paltego

See the 'about' page if you really want to know about me.

5 thoughts on “Professor of Pegging”

  1. I was THERE! And spoke to the reporter, then and afterwards (via email). I can even verify the “Chewy” package that she mentioned in the article because I noticed it too.

    Good times.

    1. Wow. That’s really cool! You weren’t the demo bottom for it were you? 🙂
      Sounds like a good experience. I assume you thought so?


      1. I was not a demo bottom. I was an observer, which is a different price point.

        I was there to learn how to make “that experience” work for me, since I’ve never been able to do so comforably. Of the 4 demo bottoms, I think only one, or maybe two, actually were able to accommodate a true pegging. The other two (or three) were just too tight “down there” and were only able to take a finger. Had I known that was an option, I might have tried it.

        I had a lot of fun. Well worth it for me.

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