Dating Bootcamp

BDSM pops up more and more in mainstream media sources these days. The latest is this USA Today article on a dating bootcamp featuring Domina Colette. She was there to help the attendees “…access their vulnerability and reflect on their definitions of power.”

I was lucky enough to play with Domina Colette a few years back and had a really enjoyable session. She’s a talented and empathetic domme. It’s obvious from her social media feeds that she’s heavily involved in BDSM education and I’m sure she did a brilliant job of teaching at the dating bootcamp. In the more dedicated BDSM realm she runs a regular two month-long Dominatrix mentorship class. You can find details of that here. The great shot below is the dommes who graduated from it last fall.

Image sourced from Domina Colette’s twitter feed.

Author: paltego

See the 'about' page if you really want to know about me.

2 thoughts on “Dating Bootcamp”

  1. USA article was a very interesting read. I wonder if the participants were able to claim any CEU credits for attendance? Were they issued a certificate of any kind?

    If I were in my “dating years” now, I’d be far more likely to settle on a partner who had attended one of Domina Colette’s class than one who hadn’t.

    sissy terrie

    1. I think it’s likely they were given a certificate. Don’t these classes always come with some sort of certificate? 🙂 Maybe there should be an accreditation option on Tinder!


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