
There’s something very sexy about being packaged up. It manages to combine two disparate feelings. On the one hand carefully packaging something up so it’s safe and secure shows how you much care about that thing. It’s  treasured possession. At the same time to pack something away is to objectify it. What matters is that the object stays where the owner has left it. Where it wants to be is irrelevant. Those are all powerful buttons to push for a lot of kinksters, myself included.

This very hot bondage / packaging image is by a Japanese artist who tweets under the handle @1233288. I think they also go by the name Pouring Rain.

Sourced via this tweet.

Author: paltego

See the 'about' page if you really want to know about me.

2 thoughts on “Boxed”

  1. I find this incredibly erotic. I’ve experienced something similar (put inside one of those large end tables that can double as a dog cage) but nothing like being boxed. Just the head sticking out of the box would make someone incredibly vulnerable and objectified. Nice post!

    1. Glad you share my love of the boxing/packaging/bondage aesthetic! It’s definitely a hot one. Hard to pull off in real life effectively, but a great idea.

      Thanks for taking time to comment,

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