More Boxing

I featured artwork of a bondage and box scene a couple of posts ago. A few days later, by odd coincidence, this photograph of a real life bondage and box scene popped up on my feeds. It adds hooded sensory deprivation and electro stimulation into this mix. Not quite sure how the spiderman outfit fits in. Maybe a superhero kink for added fun? Whatever the setup, judging by the floor of the box in the second shot, our friendly neighborhood spiderman did enjoy it.

The was sourced via this tweet from the twitter feed of Trikoot. There’s a lot more bondage shots featured there, all m and M/m scenes.

Author: paltego

See the 'about' page if you really want to know about me.

6 thoughts on “More Boxing”

  1. I’m thankful that the work behind putting this particular scene together would fall under what my Mistress/Wife categorizes as “high maintenance FemDom” and She’d probably eschew it without much consideration. Although from a sub’s perspective, it’s pretty difficult to argue with the end result.

    1. Certainly looks like a lot of set-up work required. As a generalization I think some of the most extreme and equipment heavy scenes tend to be done by kinky gay guys. Not universally true, but enough to make me occasionally wish I was bi!

      Thanks for taking time to comment,

  2. Every time I see the image, I see the head of a cyberman (ref Dr Who) alongside his Spiderman outfit, not entirely sure why I felt the need to share that! As an aside, I feel us ‘kinky’ individuals also tend to be a tad nerdy/geeky, do you think that’s fair?

    1. I think there’s a big overlap between nerds/geek and kink. Similar overlap with DnD/gaming as well. Something about control and rules that underlie those things I guess. Probably a good topic for a future post!


    1. Wow. That’s a good article to find from all the way back in 2011! Shame Matisse doesn’t write those columns anymore. Thanks for the link. And yes, lots of nerd / kink crossover called out there.


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