Problematic Pegging

Two interesting pegging images here to compare. I stumbled across the second one while trying to track down the artist for the first. I liked the playfulness of the first image and I’m always a fan of showing dommes having fun. Despite that, something did feel very slightly off about it. Wasn’t sure what.

The second image looks to come from the same source, but is clearly AI. The table legs don’t make any sense, there’s a weird corner to the table and he appears to have 6 toes. So rather than an artist I guess I should have been looking for a prompt creator and a really big data center.

I often track down unidentified artwork by spotting different identified works that are from the same creator. Interesting that the same approach can be taken for AI.

Author: paltego

See the 'about' page if you really want to know about me.

2 thoughts on “Problematic Pegging”

  1. I like these images. I must admit the males have nice form in these. Six toe Joe!!!!

    Love SO play – ain’t nothing like getting it thrown in you – feels so good!

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