On the Edge

In a further sign of kink slipping further into the mainstream, Glamour magazine has an article on Edging. It’s actually pretty good, covering the basics and giving handy tips.

The only thing I’d quibble with is their assertion that edging leads to stronger orgasms. Maybe that’s true for women, which is presumably Glamour’s primary audience. For men however, I think it’s the shift away from orgasm that makes it interesting. We’re conditioned into expecting sex to have a clearly defined build-up to an orgasmic stopping point. Stretching that out and leaning into arousal without orgasm makes for a very different experience. I love combining a steady endorphin buzz with the sense of denial and frustration. It’s a headspace that I can happily live in for days without orgasm.

This is by the artist Mare. You can find their Patreon here.

Author: paltego

See the 'about' page if you really want to know about me.

2 thoughts on “On the Edge”

  1. A belated happy holidays to you.

    Maybe it is my age, or maybe the sessions I participate in have become more intense and exhilarating, but sessions without coming has become the norm.

    My beloved domme has a day job and it is hard to book a session, but am expecting one in a couple of weeks. I hope to start the year with a bang (or a crack). Wish you a great 2025!

    1. Happy belated holidays to you as well.

      Orgasms in sessions might make a good topic for a future post. Trick topic but interesting!

      Hope you have a great session to start 2025 with!


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