This image made me laugh. I stumbled across it via the Assertive Ladies tumblr and immediately recognized the source as Mistress Iris. Most of her images are stunning and have been featured here with some regularity. While here she remains as elegant as ever, his expression seems like a mixture of confusion and shock. Does he not know how this kind of scene works? Or has he spotted something unpleasant stuck to the bottom of her shoe?
You can find more from Mistress Iris at her site and instagram.
Shoe kissing and licking etc is something I really dislike. I don’t mind kissing a Mistresses feet, bare or stockinged, or cleaning her boots for her but I will only kiss footwear if the Mistress absolutely insists and mine doesn’t.
Is that a cleanliness/hygiene thing? Or just don’t like that activity?
I think it’s a bit of both really, I do tend to avoid activities which I consider unhygienic. In the 70’s I was a punk fan and attended concerts by The Damned etc but I couldn’t go anywhere near the front because of all the spitting.
The spitting this was gross, I remember that too well.
Yuck. That sounds horrible. Never knew that was a thing. Although I was more of a late 80’s metalhead than punk 🙂