Feeling happy

I played with Lydia tonight. Much bondage, breathplay, nipple torture, hot wax and flogging was involved. It was the kind of play that gets me spacey almost immediately. The kind where I can channel the pain through a sense of shared connection. The kind where it hurts but feels so good and so right.

Right now all I want to do is collapse on the couch and drink wine, so this post will be short. I’ll simply share an image that captures an element of what play can be. There was no rope bondage in my case (although lots of leather belts and plastic wrap) but this has that sense of tension and connection that means so much to me.

ConnectionI’m afraid I don’t have an original source for this. I found it via the Alternative Femdom tumblr.

Author: paltego

See the 'about' page if you really want to know about me.

2 thoughts on “Feeling happy”

  1. Hi Paltego:

    It was really nice to read this. I am glad you had such an enjoyable session. I can relate to the way you describe channeling pain through a shared connection. Her Majesty and I have a play date scheduled for tonight so I am very much looking forward to channeling some of that myself! 🙂


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