The mysteries of life

Of all the many mysterious of life – sex, death, religion, love – the greatest must be the mystery of wifi in hotels. Why is it that cheap hotels typically have great free wifi while expensive hotels charge for terrible wifi? Nobody would tolerate a hotel room where the water only worked some of the time and they charged $15 a day to turn the tap on. Yet somehow we (specifically me in this case) tolerate it for internet access.

I originally suspected that socializing might get in the way of blogging. As it turns out it’s much more likely to be the 28.8K analogue modem that I think this hotel is sharing between all its guests.

Anyway, while my current wifi signal lasts, let me share a picture that made me smile. I don’t typically feature a lot of school uniform themed shots. They’re normally cheezy or skeezy or both. I liked this one because the ‘schoolgirls’ (in the best tradition of adult models in uniform) look like they’re having a lot of fun. There’s a fine British Tradition of schoolgirls behaving badly – as exemplified by the St Trinian’s cartoons – and this seems to fit nicely into that mold.


Author: paltego

See the 'about' page if you really want to know about me.

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