Regular readers will know that I always try and attribute artwork appropriately and, where possibly, provide some background on the artist. However, when it comes to researching these things, I’m rank amateur compared to Bacchus over at ErosBlog. He’s been looking into one of the more obscure femdom artists – Bernard Montorgueil. I’ve had a short section on him in my artwork pages for years but this recent post by Bacchus is far more detailed. Admittedly, he hasn’t surfaced any new personal details on the artist, but it is an interesting dig through the history of his artwork and the snippets that have surfaced online over the years.
I was amazed to discover that four of his original books recently sold for almost $47,000 at auction. Apparently, in the words of famous auctioneers Christies, they showed signs of ‘light soiling’. I hope for the sake of the new owner that was down to storage issues and not over exuberance by a previous femdom fan.
I found this example of his work in this extensive gallery.
Looks like a simple tug of her left hand will land his face at least in the general vicinity of where it belongs.