Hazardous that is, if you’re a naked male in the presence of a sadistically inclined female. While the image might show what looks like a random shopping basket from someone visiting the produce and pharmacy aisles in QFE (which in point of fact is where they came from), it also shows the main components of a scene I did a few nights ago. At the back there’s icy hot and crystal hot sauce. The middle row has Bengay, a lime and a lemon. And at the front is wintergreen oil, cinnamon oil and ginger root. I think there was also some chili sauce that didn’t make it onto the photograph. Oh, and the knife? That was for scraping off the hot wax that somehow ended up getting dripped onto my already tender flesh.
Some conclusions that I came to after the scene were:
- Be careful what Bengay you buy. Some of them, including this one, have almost no effect.
- Icy hot on the other hand can be very intense, particularly if someone very carefully and methodically massages it into your scrotum for several minutes. Or dabs it onto nipple clamps before applying them.
- Lemon’s and limes are pretty mild on their own, but when combined with someone stabbing you with a needle to open up the skin, they can get pretty stimulating.
- Figging reminds me of bad experiences with hot curries in dodgy late night Indian takeaways. Not so much painful as just burning and uncomfortable.
- Crystal hot sauce is mildly painful on sensitive skin, but surprisingly tasty when applied to the mouth. I will be purchasing some to keep in the kitchen.
Oddly enough, after doing all sorts of suspension and impact play scenes in the past without problems, this was the one session that left me injured. I was clenching my muscles so tightly and for so long that I ended up pulling something in my lower back. Ironic really, given we were using a number of products originally designed for relieving muscle strains and pains.