
I was amused to read in this comment that ‘forced bi’ is being replaced by ‘encouraged bi’ on clips sites. Apparently  forcing is another one of those things the payment processors frown upon.

As silly changes go, it’s not the worst one they could have done. After all, there are lots of ways to encourage someone. I’ve always found a whip provides an excellent means of encouragement. Particularly if it’s used in conjunction with bondage, just to ensure the submissive sticks around for the maximum amount of encouragement possible. Just be careful the submissive doesn’t feel so encouraged he has to pass out.

Of course, some dommes don’t have to resort to such crude means. With the right kind of positive attitude, a kind word might be all that’s needed.

Captioned image courtesy of the ever imaginative Servitor over at Contemplating the Divine.

Author: paltego

See the 'about' page if you really want to know about me.

3 thoughts on “Encouragement”

  1. I’m reminded of some conversations back in the Usenet days (yes, I’m that old) where a lot of kinky folks did NOT want some BDSM practices to be “normalized” because, dammit, part of the kink was being *forced* to do something.

    Being told that it was okay made it less hot.

      1. Oh jeez… soc.subculture.bdsm and soc.subculture.bdsm.femdom were some of my favorite hangouts, along with the more general soc.sexuality.general. I miss those days. Reddit offers a similar experience, but the demographic is different. Back in the old days, you had to be at least above average intelligence to configure your pc to get onto Usenet.

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