If you ever needed a guide on how not do do a professional BDSM session, this story out of San Diego might be a pretty good template. It features a man who paid an Only Fans model $11K for a BDSM session featuring mummification and breathplay. He was intoxicated, she had zero experience with BDSM, they engaged in very risky kinks and he suffocated to death while she filmed content for her site. There’s not a single good decision made at any point by anyone involved.
What really amazes me about this – besides paying $11K to someone who has no idea what she’s doing – is that the guy had roommates who were at home. I can’t imagine the thought process involved in attempting that kind of crazy scene with a stranger while roommates you barely know are wandering around the house. I guess he was horny and she was greedy. A lethal combination in the circumstances.
If you’re going to listen to your little head and hire people on the basis of hotness rather than experience, at least stick to safe basic scenes. For exampe, I’ve never heard of anyone dying of a foot fetish.
This sexy artwork is by Ald. You can find their Etsy store here.
Good grief. What an unrepresentative session, to contribute to ‘normal’ people’s misunderstanding of our little pastime. As you say, Paltego, nothing about this seems remotely mainstream kink.
I have to confess – and this is very shameful – my first reaction on reading this was “$11,000? How much? For one session?” However, reading the article it says this was paid to “have conversations with him, and to come to his house, tie him up and perform other acts of bondage,” so maybe it refers to how much he paid her in total over a longer period of time? Which would be a relief for me (I did say it was shameful), sessioning as I am on a limited budget. Of course, there’s still the whole “engaging in an insanely dangerous form of BDSM play with no experience and an intoxicated client and ending up being charged with murder” thing which is, y’know, bad.
I also noticed the reference in the article to her gluing boots to his feet. I did like the sound of that. If only they’d stopped there.
But still… we need to have more mainstream media articles with headlines like “Man visits dominatrix for a session, has a good time”. Or if they want more drama, how about “Man visits dominatrix, feels somehow it just didn’t work for him this time and gets bit depressed, so goes off and eats too much chocolate then feels even worse?”. I could supply both.
A long path to acceptance ahead. People like this are not helping.
Best wishes
It was a bit unclear what their history was, but I got the impression from other articles that it really was a one time session. Maybe he was paying extra because she was normally an Only Fans model rather than an in person provider? Yet more bad decision making if that was the case. You could have an amazing all day session with a world class pro-domme in a beautifully equipped playspace for that money.
I think the only common ‘positive’ story that shows up in the mainstream press is the tabloid tell all about how much money middle aged housewives make moonlighting as pro-dommes. And even then there’s often a strong element of how stupid all the men are. Sigh.
Here’s to you having more good times and less chocolate in future 🙂