I’m guessing this is a scene inspired by Namio Harukawa. He’s illustrated a lot of forniphilia images featuring men as bar stools – for example this one. However, I can see issues with this particular approach. For one thing, it doesn’t put the submissive in close contact with the dominant. I accept that this is a purely subjective view, but if I’m going to be objectified I like it to be a relatively intimate object. Or at least something with a degree of personal contact, even if it’s only feet. While this position may provide an interesting view for the submissive, it seems a little distant. However, more importantly, it seems fairly dangerous for the dominant. That cannot be a stable base for a stool. There’s a lot of pressure on a small area, and a rib cage isn’t what I’d call a smooth even surface. Let’s hope it didn’t end with a minature domme domino rally.
I found this image on the kazowk88 blog.