Originally this post was simply titled ‘indulgence’ and consisted of a short comment stating how I had nothing clever to say, other than how sexy I found this shot. However, the folder name wordpress generated told me that I’d already used the title in an earlier post. So I go back to find my previous post and discover that I’m not only about to repeat a title, but also repeat an entire post. Not only was the title and text almost the same, but it was even a similar image of a gorgeous woman in glasses staring into the camera. I guess that says something for my consistency if not my creativity or my memory. Expect to see another post called “Indulgence (revisited) (revisited)” in a few months time where I surprise myself all over again. I’m going to claim that I’m practicing for old age, where I plan to entertain myself by pretending to be deaf and forgetful in order to annoy people.
I found this on the Rue Montorgueil tumblr. I’m afraid I don’t know who the lovely lady is, or where the shot originally comes from.