Bareback riding

Apologies for the lack of a post yesterday, and for the lack of response to comments. I’m traveling again, and currently working off an unfamiliar laptop in a San Francisco hotel room. On the plus side, I’m looking forward to being beaten up by Domina Ai-Li tomorrow, so that’s definite bonus.

I’ll leave you with a fascinating vintage domination shot. I love the fact she has reins that reach so far, allowing her to stand on his back. I also love the circus like nature of the shot. It’s all very well to carry a domme on your back when riding pony style, but imagine having to do so when she’s standing on it with boots. I’m guessing if he spills her, then that flogger in the other hand will come into use. If she was really evil there’d be some small jumps and hoops for him to navigate as well.

Vintage domination shot featuring domme riding on back of slaveThe original tumblr post has it tagged as something from the 1920’s Weimar republic.

Author: paltego

See the 'about' page if you really want to know about me.

4 thoughts on “Bareback riding”

  1. It’s always kind of nice to see proof that kinks like ours have been around for a long time. However, I’m still waiting for that next great archeological find that reveals the role BDSM played in society millions of years age 🙂


    1. I’m always fascinated by the history of kink. I’d love to take some time off and research it properly. There’s always a big argument about nature v’s nuture with BDSM (i.e. are people born a certain way or is it something society creates) and I think looking into history would tell us a lot about that. If it’s nature then one would expect it be constant, regardless of society (although possibly it’s manifestations would change). If it’s nurture then it might not have existed thousands of years ago at all.



    Politically, I’m a socialist at heart…but I think homo sapiens are naturally hierarchical. Look at our organizational structures. Of course we fetishize power, oppression, and inequality. We live it (that does not make it necessarily RIGHT). Practically everyone on earth lives by selling their physical or intellectual labor.

    1. Hi Miss Margo,

      Glad you like the photo. The serious look on her face really makes it work for me. Those two are really focused on their scene. Although I’m not sure I necessarily see the connection between the image and your comments on organization, oppression and inequality. I personally don’t associate D/s with oppression or inequality. After all, to make submission a gift worth giving, there has to be a degree of power on the submissive’s side to start with. Otherwise it’s not D/s, but abuse. But that’s probably a whole new post of it’s own…


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