About me……
I’m a 30-something male. I originally grew up in England, but moved out to Seattle, WA several years ago. The weather seemed much the same, but the coffee, wine and food were a big improvement.
Sexually I’m a submissive masochist, and enjoy a wide range of the activities that you’d normally associate with that particular kink. Outside the bedroom/dungeon/crawlspace I spend far too much time in front of a computer and nowhere near enough time in good restaurants.
If you’ve got something nice to say (or nasty – I’m a masochist after all) then feel free to drop me a line. Or if you’re a top in the NW area looking for someone new to play with, then definitely drop me a line.
About the blog….
I was originally inspired to start this by the many other excellent blogs out there that I read on a regular basis – eros blog, bondage blog (who I even stole the site tag line from), sex nerd, etc. There didn’t seem to be a good general femdom blog out there, and my hard disk had hundreds of links and images scattered across it that were just begging to be shared. And of course, like most bloggers, I’m a frustrated writer who enjoys scribbling things on public walls.
If you’ve got a great link or image for me then feel free to send it my way. Alternatively if you think I’m incorrectly attributing content, or I’m sharing something you believe you own and want removed, then please let me know.
Nice blog.
I noted in your FD gallery pages, the last one goes to Kahori’s site – but you remark that as it’s in Japanese you’re unclear about what’s there.
Google chrome can be setup to automatically ID and translate languages. It’s not perfect, but it is usually quite good and definitely expands the WWW in all it’s foreign languages.
hey mate i just stumble across this fan blog of Bruce Baker, it seems like it is rather new, but it is worth to check it!!
Thanks for the pointer Bird. As you say it’s very new, but looks promising. I’ll keep an eye on it over the next few weeks and if the author keeps the updates flowing I’ll add it to my Bruce Baker information section, and potentially the femdom image page.
I wanted to let you know my drawings on female domination. Thank you very much
Your great site!
Thanks Vernice61! Glad you liked the site.
When I get chance I’ll add you to my collection of femdom artists that I have here. Your work is really good.
This is a great site. Love all the great pics and even more the comments that capture and give the story of the pic. Love the site…got any electrical toy articles or inverted suspension?
Thanks. Glad you like it. I’ll keep an eye out for electrical toy or inverted suspension stuff.
Paltego. (Machoist). I really enjoy reading femdon resource and enjoy your good kind responses to those who’ve written or sent blogs. I am not sure of how you grew up as a young boy, but you seem thick skin. May be you took so many punches and jabs now that at this age it doesn’t bother you. Congratulations!!! I’ve only been reading about bondage/corpral punishment and looking at photos for a short while. Many years ago in the state of Maryland I was buying Harmony Concepts and man was I hooked. The magazine’s was well worth every penny of the price paid. I don’t have those magazines anymore but have watched other pictures and films producers in the bondage/ corpral industry have made and boy did our appetite grow since the images of the irving klaw area. I want to convey my thoughts and feelings on what I have seen. I would like to use you as an example, as you have met your mistress and is now beginning your corpral/punishment session. She is skilled and knows exactly what you need. She is very strict and demanding. After she secures you she administers the blows on your buns and thighs skillfully and without any real effort. After many slaps with the strap she stop to observe you. She takes you to a level of pleasure stinging pain and can tell if more is needed but never drops down. Her soft voice encourages you on. As a woman she can tell of your desire for her to control you. After the session you both hug and with a terry eye you say thanks. She left you with a little more than a pink bottom but not bleeding wounds. You are more than satisfied. There are those with a high tolerance for pain but the audience is left in shock and awe. There are bondage/corpral punishment films that I could never get enough of but others leave me in shock. I am not being critical of producers , spankers, or subs but some photos show severe beatings. I am not sure if I am a machoist but would really like to find out. There are local doms here. Mabe I could test my wings. I would like to starty own production company but wouldn’t know how to start.
Thanks for reading
This is an outstanding site. It makes the subject of Femdom seem entirely natural and delightfully playful.
One could bring a vanilla girlfriend to view it and not be ‘ashamed’ of it seeming tacky or repugnant.
Please, please keep the blog and the resource going. It’s an invaluable and beautifully stylish achievement.
Very nice site,
I appreciate a lot the the graphic- nice and serious- the freedom , no dead link and so on.
I also like your stories.
Thanks for all.
PS. forgive my mistake , i am not english Mother tongue.
Thanks. I appreciate the positive feedback. Glad you’ve enjoyed what I’ve put together!
Hey, I think this blog should be put onto this resource page, It covers ground on a lot of different types of Femdom, just thought I would share it.
I appreciate a lot this site, nice and free.
Forgive my mistake , i am not english mother tongue.
I wander if you can give me an advice.
I’m looking for a site willing to host my stories.
I specify that:
– Are written in word and accompanied by various images
– Some are long and fairly complex
– Are strictly femdom
– Does not contain scurrilous terms even if the content is somewhat “hard”
– Typical keyword: tort, scat, piss, death, is not gay, not lesbian, not under-age sex.
Of these stories I just want to keep the intellectual property.
I would like to be published along with the picture.
I welcome any kind of suggestion.
Thankyou very much.
I’ve published stories at a couple of different sites:
I found the smtales site to be much more friendly and helpful. Once you have created an author account there then you can add/edit/delete as much as you want without having to interact with the site managers every time.
However, I’m not sure either of those sites support images with the stories. I don’t know of one that allows that offhand.
Of course you could simply create a blog at one of the free hosting sites (like blogspot or tumblr) and post the images+stories there. Tricky to get readers if you go that route. The advantage of the dedicate fiction sites is that you automatically will get people reading what you write.
Maybe post the stories at smtales and also create a tumblr to host the stories plus pictures? You could provide a link to the tumblr in the author information.
Sorry not to be more helpful.
Hi, you have a Great site ,I loved especially the FemDom-Artwork even if I didnt find the Artworks of my preferred Artist.
I wanted to let you know about the Fem-Dom Artworks by an Italian Artist named Aurè who celebrate the FemalePower in Art. His artworks features the Mediterranean Goddesses.
Acelebration of Joy of Life, Humour and also an eye to Political scene as the Artist says:
“a FemDom as Leader in our Country Now !”
I found some of his artworks here:
Maybe you’ll like his Artworks too.
Thank you and Keep Up the Great Work!
This is a new Blog my husband and I are creating. It is a Femdom Caption blog, a bit over the top with multiple themes and elements. If this meets your criteria, we ask that you place it in your list of links.
Thank you for your consideration,
Cruel Love
Great site
Love the toilet box story built for Sarah by Jane.
If you have a story or email list please add me
Paltego – I enjoy your site. Here’s my new blog which you may find of interest.
would appreciate if you could add my blog. Email link seems not to work for me http://scottiedoggie1.blogspot.co.uk/
My error. Corrected tumblr URL: http://properlyleashed-m.tumblr.com/
urs is really a great blog which has inspired me and
breaking the taboo, i am an indian sharing my pictures
great blog. i see a nice collection of femdom links here. i love to be dominated and humiliated by clothed women.keep up the good work. and also please have a look at my site about CFNM. http://cfnmhandjob.com
thanks for all your contribution.
Great site. I just stumbled upon it and want to thank you for your kind words regarding my art. I have recently opened a blog on tumblr where I’ll be posting newer works and gradually adding my older ones to the archive. Thanks for the great resource you provide and please keep it up.
It’s Rubex.
Hello Paltego – i found a really very expressive homepage of a Domina located in Bucuresti, Mistress Ezada Sinn – the pics are really awesome…
Thanks for the great artwork you’ve posted here.
There is a pice of artwork i came across some months ago, and I can no longer locate it. Was hoping you could help. The image was titled “paperboy2.jpg”, and it depicted a young man lowering his pants to receive a hairbrushing from a neighbor woman whose window he had just broken with the toss of a newspaper.
I just loved the nuances in the drawing and would like to see it again- if only I could find it! Please let me know if you have this picture, or know where to find it. Thanks!
Sorry, that particular artwork doesn’t ring a bell with me. However, I’ll try and keep an eye out for it. It sounds fairly distinctive. If I come across it I’ll let you know.
As it happens, I finally figured out that I had sent a copy of the pic to a friend. I went back and found the email- and there it was! If you would like to receive a copy, just let me know where to send it.
Hi Paltego,
First, your portfolio of femdomme photos is incredible–by far the best I’ve seen anywhere.
I have a rather specialized fetish: Older (55+) sadistic women who smoke with a holder. Do you ever wonder what happens to all the beautiful younger dommes when they put on a few years? To me older women with a few wrinkles around their eyes but who have kept in shape (aside from smoking for erotic effect) are a total turn on. Have you ever seen any photos or sites that feature such exotic creatures?
Glad you like the various images and links I’ve collected, but I’m afraid that offhand I can’t think of any sites that focus mainly on that particular content. There are definitely single images that meet that description, but they tend to be mingled in with all the other femdom tumblr content.
I do know that Aarkey, whose blog is in my blogroll is a fan of smoking dommes, so you might want to check out the images on his blog.
Popups….now..is it just me? However whenever I visit your wonderful site of late – and this happens on no other….I keep getting US adult pop ups at the base of the screen – really really really annoying..and I cannot get rid of them ..they follow you around as you navigate the site too..as I say – only on here – is this somthing anyone else is experienceing?
Not to wish you ill or anything, but I suspect and hope that it’s just your computer. I’ve never carried adverts on this site and have no intention of starting. I’ve certainly added nothing like that recently, and I don’t see any popups on the different browsers and different computers I’ve tried. Might be worth running a malware scan to see if somebody has messed with your machine.
Hey man,
I really appreciate the traffic you have been sending to sex and metal, email Me when you get a minute.
I would invite you to check out our blog. We are a FLR couple living in Seattle and have been blogging almost three years. We feature our own pictures and I think you will find my Lady rather photogenic. We also have a Tumblr site (also ‘SpankedbymyLady’).
Hi Paltego,
I’m not sure you got the email I sent you a few days ago which was to alert you to a fantastic, senusous, fetish model–Liegh Roberts (Liegh2 on FetLife)–who’s, believe it or not, is 69. She has a body that looks like it’s out of a painting by Rubens. One (or more) of her photographs would make a wonderful addition to your stunning collection.
I think you’re doing a fantastic service to the BDSM/fetish community. Elegant sadism–I’m all for it!
p.s. You can find more photos of Liegh on the website http://www.bodyofcolor.com
Hi, please take a look at my drawings at this link. thanks. spencer
Fantastic blog. I check it every day. KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!
Hi, I’m Brigitte,from Spain. I’m a lesbian and dominant women. I love feminized mens and make them pretty sissies.
I invite you to visit my blog.
ginarquiaencasa.canalblog.com I hope you like and include me in your favorite blogs.
Hey man,
Michael from Sex and Metal here, could you please email me and talk about some potential banner exchange or link exchange. Again thanks for the traffic you have been sending, Lots of people have come to our store looking for bondage equipment from here
Love the blog; very entertaining, still building my blog; short stories on the superior sex being my particular kink.
A collection of femdom drawings. Most of them are from other sources, but the drawings made by ‘Carulli’ are the site owners own creations.
Use them as you want.
where do I go to meet people in this lifestyle
If I go to normal places and bring up the fact that I like the whole idea of a d/s b/d relationship and do not want to objectify her I want to meet a real woman who just happens to like tying up men
Would like to know if you are aware of any femdom theme resorts or vacation spots in USA like the OWK in Europe? Suitable for a loving femdom couple, not quite as brutal as OWK! I would still be treated as a slave and servant to my mistress wife in that environment…is there a place like that here in USA?
Wish i had come across your site earlier, fantastic job!!
Hope you don’t mind, just posted a link to your site on my Tumblr page.
FYI, some of the Equipment sites listed are a bit pricey. A local (SF Bay Area) location I visit is http://www.leathermasters.com in San Jose. Nice place with well priced items.
Thanks so much for your site!!
Paul AKA Me on Tumblr
Thanks! Glad you like it. Very happy to have the link from your tumblr. I think your site has been in my image page list for a while now.
The equipment page one is a tricky one for me to maintain. It’s easy to browse tumblrs or admire the work of artists, but I can’t easily shop at hundreds of BDSM stores and pick the best ones out (sadly!). Thanks for the tip on the leather masters site. I’ll add them to my equipment page when I next update it.
Hi there,
I have been going through my web stats in the last couple of weeks, and noticed that quite a bit of my traffic comes from your blog. So, I came for a visit. I like your blog.
So, many thanks for mentioning my site in your links, and if you are looking for information on vintage illustrations, and etc, don’t hesitate to ask. I’ll do my best to help out.
kind regards,
Mistress just wanted to drop you a message to let you know how much we enjoy your blog, so thanks!
Its also inspired us to start our own, which has been an interesting experience so far (http://mistresspixiespaddle.wordpress.com/). Have added your site to our blogroll
Anyway, thanks again
Mistress Pixie & Claire
Glad you enjoy my blog, and I always appreciate new links to it.
I’ve enjoyed reading the first few posts on your blog. I have a general rule that I only link to new blogs after they’ve been around a while (a few months) and stay active. I generally find that far too many new blogs start well but fizzle and die all too quickly (see this post for more thoughts on new blogs). But if yours continues as it has started I’ll be happy to link to it in the future.
Hi paltego
Certainly understand the linking policy, hopefully we will still be having as much fun with the blog in a few months! Glad you enjoyed the first few posts, were planning to update at least once a week, and hopefully more frequently than that. Fairly new to the whole blogging thing, so its an experience.
Mistress Pixie & Claire
It’s a terrific site, full of material. Thank you for assembling it.
Would you remind me of the German (?) woman’s torture chalet? Sounded like a good place to send my boy.
Thank you again,
I don’t know if this is the right place and I’m sorry if it isn’t but we’re launching Rope Academy an education site for Rope Bondage and hoped this might be of interest to you and maybe if you like what you see, you might give us a mention in your blog?
Thanks in advance
I would love to have My book release featured on your blog. “Yes Ma’am a sub missives Guide to Meeting a Mistress” it is available now on Amazon & at international retailers http://opulentfetish.com/Goddess/yes-maam-a-submissives-guide-to-meeting-a-mistress/
I love this site.
Wonderful, insightful commentary on an undeniable fetish of denial
Hi, I would like you to consider adding my site, “Collected Submissions” the writings and drawings of KDPierre, to your links.
The site contains older pieces which have been circulating the internet for years, (including illustrations that I doubt anyone realizes were mine), along with some new stuff not seen before.
There are around 60 stories there dealing with themes from simple F/M domestic discipline, to more BDSM-oriented stuff. There are also F/f stories and role-reversals.
I invite you to look for yourself and see what you think. If you like the site, i would be grateful for a link. Thanks.——KDPierre
Hello there. You sound interesting! I thought you might like to know about my new book – it’s aaaall about female domination with male chastity etc. It’s free on Amazon Kindle Unlimited. There’s also a dab of humor. Look, I basically want as many people as possible to laugh and to touch themselves… if that stuff is your thing… http://www.amazon.com/How-Train-Seven-Easy-Lessons-ebook/dp/B01B4Y7S64/
Once in a while, I go exploring on the web. I was sent here by Contemplating the Divine (a wonderful site) and lo and behold, turns out you have an art section. Please check out my site (the F/M department, obviously) and feel free to review, plug, grab stuff, or if you have any requests… well, whatever. Site owners get a free back door link to get past the paywall – just drop me a line.
Test (couldn’t leave a comment on your last post, just testing over here)
I want to present watercolors by my husband… I like to birch him now and then…
All originals.
I am really glad to have found your blog. I will add to some of my art sites dedicated to vintage and modern bdsm (and FemDom) art and photography.
Thanks for all your nice posts.
(don’t worry, these are all of my art sites lol, your link is up on all of them)
Don’t know if this is something you permit on our blog, but I have several Femdom books available on Amazon as E-Books. They’re under two author names – Amanda Copeland & Sara James. They’re something your readers may enjoy.
I would appreciate if you could add my blog to your list of non pro blogs.
I’m also on Twitter and Instagram as ‘Goddess D and Sub B’ if you want to verify the content source.
Goddess D.
Do you know of any femdom art, porn etc etc, that is for women? I am a very inexperienced domme and I have bad social anxiety( personality does not eqaul sexuality, i guess) so I really want some nice femdom that is for women. I am so tired of the focus being on the women. I have zero attraction to dominant women. I just want spanking porn like it is with straight spanking porn just with the focus being on the male. A sexy guy, not covered up, his face visible, sexualized shots of his ass and a bigger woman not in fetish gear. Doesn’t this exist? This has turned into a rant, but I am just so frustrated. I just want porn made by women for women. Not porn made by men for men. You can tell when the intended viewer is male and I cannot find anything where the intended viewer is female.
I do not want to be a dominatrix and get paid for it or wear leather. I just want a relationship where femdom is our sex-life. Sometimes it feels like I am the only shy, weird, akward domme with an interest exclusively in males and their reactions. Okay rant over. sorry to vent at you, you didn’t do anything, LOL.
Well last year I might have been able to point you at few tumblr’s that were femdom but with a more male centric view. Unfortunately, since tumblr killed all their adult content, it has become a lot harder to find the kind of collection you describe.
The Dreams of Spanking site might be your best bet from a commercial porn perspective. I’ve covered some of their images in previous posts, like this one: http://www.femdom-resource.com/2019/02/01/a-small-dose-of-sanity/
They’re both F/m and M/f, but they definitely have some interesting femdom spanking without all the fetish gear. They also have a blog with a ‘female gaze’ tag: http://dreamsofspanking.com/blog/tag/female%20gaze
For artwork I think Yumine Guo is well worth checking out. Not spanking focused, but she creates more balanced and sensual femdom than the usual porn cliches. Take a look at her twitter as a starting point: https://twitter.com/yumine_guo
You might want to try posing the same question to some of the women who write femdom blogs. Check out my blogroll for that. I’ve seen a lot of similar complaints as yours, so sure they’ll understand where you’re coming from.
Sorry I can’t be more help!
test (I couldn’t reply to your post on finding the edge)
Weird. This comment came thought OK. If you ever have that problem again, can you email me (paltego@gmail.com) what the comment was so I can try to debug the issue?
Love your blog. Regular follower. A year or 2 ago (18 months?) you posted about an indie film where a divorced dad starts dating a divorced mom who introduces him to kink. I cannot remember the name or find the film. Unfortunately you had 3 or so years of posts deleted. Any chance you remember or have a link?
Glad you’ve enjoyed the site. Always nice to hear from a regular reader!
You set me a bit of a tester here. I knew exactly the post you meant, but couldn’t remember the name of the film. I just remember it was set in the midwest rather than usual spots like LA/NYC/SF/etc. It took a bit of searching but I think I tracked it down – They/Them/Us
Hope that helps!
Say, the link to your story “The Loving Wife” doesn’t seem to work anymore. It is a wonderfully written and very evocative depiction of the type of female dominant relationship and lifestyle that so many submissive men dream about and desire. Wondering if you would find somewhere else to upload it or just host it here on your blog somehow. Thanks!
Thanks for the heads-up. I fixed the link. Glad you like it!
Thank you so much, paltego! My spouse and I both love the story so much, hope to find Sunday that you’ve written more such stories! With much appreciation for your blog – Nina
I just sent a mail to paltego@gmail.com and it was instantly rejected/blocked. Is there an issue with this mail address? Do you have a different one I can write to?
A quick thought on Archetypes. Can we consider The Brat as another? Careless of her effect on those around her, spiteful, rather like the princess but without the sense of play, The Brat is inclined to ride roughshod over conventions.
Brat is an interesting one. I tend to think of Brat == Princess, although with Brat being more aligned with Sub and Princess with Domme. Teasing, flirty, selfish, possible spiteful, etc. From your comment, feels like you’d distinguish the two based on playfulness? Or convention/rule breaking?