You want me to do what now?

This image made me laugh. I stumbled across it via the Assertive Ladies tumblr and immediately recognized the source as Mistress Iris. Most of her images are stunning and have been featured here with some regularity. While here she remains as elegant as ever, his expression seems like a mixture of confusion and shock. Does he not know how this kind of scene works? Or has he spotted something unpleasant stuck to the bottom of her shoe?

You can find more from Mistress Iris at her site and instagram.

Fish Tank Alternative

Wealthy fish fanciers often display their hobby via aquariums integrated into the walls of their home. If you find that idea intriguing but a little dull, may I suggest the integrated doggy cage? It makes for a striking feature in any library or study and a great conversation piece when you have guests over. Animals to put inside it might be a little hard to source than your average guppy, but you can always adopt from your local dungeon.

The cage here is available for rent as part of the BDSM loft in Berlin. However, I’m not sure who the domme is. If you can help with that attribution, then please let me know via a comment.

Preferring the Journey to the Destination

Slate has an advice column featuring a man who loves flirting, teasing, sexual tension and foreplay, but doesn’t enjoy the sex at the end of it all. The advice they give is reasonable, but seems to miss out on the obvious kinks that might align with his preferences. Tease and denial is definitely a thing, which coupled with some light flirty femdom, might be right up his alley. Lots of kinky activities puts the focus on the foreplay and less on the big-O.

One thing I’ve noticed as I’ve aged is that my preference has shifted from the goal of the destination to the joy of the journey. I wouldn’t go as far as the letter writer and say the ending isn’t worth it, but the principal pleasure is in extending the buildup and playing with the dynamics of arousal. There’s so much more than can be done and enjoyed in that headspace.

I believe this is Kanishka Sangabo Dias and Rahansa Sanuthi, two models from Sri Lanka.

Man in Furs

If you’re looking for something kinky and entertaining, then it might be worth checking out this top 10 list of smutty comics by The Mary Sue. I can’t speak to any of them personally, but there’s some intriguing looking options there.

I was particularly taken by Man in Furs, an illustrated biography of Leopold von Sacher-Masoch. I’ve a copy of Sardax’s excellent illustrated version of the classic Venus in Furs, but had no idea that a graphic novel about the original masochist’s life existed.

This is a selected page from Man in Furs by by Catherine Sauvat (Author), Anne Simon (Artist).

Winter Boots

Staying temporarily with the fashion theme, but heading back in time, this shot is from New York in 1983. It’s apparently the Norma Kamali Winter collection of that year.  I think it manages to be simultaneously futuristic, fetishistic, militaristic and vintage.  The shoulder pads are definitely a sign of 80’s themes to come, while the berets look back to the turbulent 70’s.

You can see the original full size image here.

Fetish or Fashion Concluded

The fifth and final entry in our series was undoubtedly the trickiest. Possibly even verging on being a bit unfair. Although, as everyone did so well at guessing the answers for the previous posts, I don’t feel too bad about that.

The artist responsible for the artwork is the finest femdom artist of our age – Sardax. However, the answer to the question is not fetish, but fashion. They were drawings created for the woman’s fashion brand Afira. I actually featured the artwork in a post entitled ‘Fashion, Sardax style‘ back in 2012. I figured at at 10+ years it’d be unlikely anyone would remember the original post. You can see the full series on the Afira site.

Thanks to everyone who commented and left guesses on all the recent posts: Wolf, Prefectdt, Simon, Tom Allen, Downlow, Alex, Servitor, tiedinbluetights, d, C and 11Dutch. It was fun to see all your replies. I think Simon and Downlow probably had the most correct guesses, but when it comes to looking at fun kinky images, it’s really the taking part that counts.

I’ll finish with an image that I almost used in the series. This is Lady Mephista looking very fashionable.

Fetish or Fashion Revisited #5

We’ve reached our fifth and final post in the current series. I thought we’d finish up with something a bit different.

Before we get to that, the answer to the last post. If you guessed fashion then well done. It featured Hea Deville in a photoshoot by Nicolas Guérin for Creem magazine back in 2015. I thought the featured shot was a good one and could have easily been from a pro-domme photoshoot. The rest of the shots in the scene have the usual fashion kink problem – a confused mix of domme and sub poses. Switching is all very well, but in fashion shots it often seems to verge on the schizophrenic.

Onto today’s question. And talking of switching, here’s a switch up. Artwork instead of photography and two examples instead of one. Same question as before though: From the world of fashion or fetish?

The Dripping Heel by Sardax

Blue Dress by SardaxIf you know the answer here, feel free to leave comment, but don’t give away your reason or source! Also note, I slightly tweaked the images for the purposes of the quiz to remove an obvious clue. I’ll restore them to the originals once the answer is published.

I’ve reverted the images to their original form. I had temporarily obscured the signature, as I thought that made the guessing game a little too easy.

Fetish or Fashion Revisited #4

Welcome to the 4th post in what I’ve decided will be a series of 5 (for now). We’re once again playing the game of Fetish or Fashion.

Congratulations everyone who guessed that the previous post was from a Fetish source. That image is from Natalie Noir’s Twitter feed. She’s a Zurich based pro-domme whose beautiful images have graced this site in the past. I thought the featured shot had a moody, ambiguous vibe that might be mistaken for fashion. However, as some commenters pointed out, the extensive collection of corporal instruments by the fireplace was a bit of a giveaway.

Here’s the penultimate shot in our series. What’s everyone’s guess here?