I was so busy last week dealing with various travel and family issues I didn’t notice this site had reached its two year anniversary. The first post was September 23rd 2010. Since that time I’ve published 738 posts, received 1,607 approved comments and 10,520 spam ones. In the first month of the sites life I had a grand total of 153 unique visitors drop by. By way of contrast, just in the last month I saw 100,000 unique visitors come by for around 200,000 visits. I find those numbers pretty astonishing, particularly given the random nonsense from my brain that gets posted here every day.
When I started the site I wasn’t exactly sure what I’d get out of it or how long it’d last. I really just wanted an outlet for a side of myself that got very limited expression in my daily life. But what has really inspired me to keep the posts flowing is the interaction I’ve had with all my great kinky readers. I’ve received a fantastic collection of comments and emails from sources such as femdom artists, pro-dommes, equipment makers, BDSM writers, fellow bloggers and loads of people out there just looking for some kinky fun in their lives. So a big thank you to all my readers and everyone who I’ve interacted with over the past couple of years. You’ve made creating this site a real pleasure.
I’ll leave you with a suitably appropriate image from Kami Tora. It was done originally for the one year anniversary of his fan site. Hopefully he won’t object to its re-use here.