Potent Female

One final post on the theme of British museums and collections. This time it’s from the Tate Modern that’s running an exhibition entitled Women in Revolt! It covers Art and Activism from 1970 to 1990 and based on the reviews, seems well worth a visit.

Unfortunately, the part most relevant for this blog has already been and gone. Earlier this month they ran a panel titled ‘Let’s talk about the Erotic Self‘, covering topics like ‘power dynamics, authorship, and the commodification of pleasure.’

The image was the cover image for the panel. It’s by Jill Westwood and titled ‘Potent Female.’ According to this Guardian article it was based on the famous painting by Whistler of his mother.

Westwood had first started making wearable latex sculptures as an art student and later explored the transgressive power of “dom” personas and London’s rubber fetish scene. This photo mimics the pose of James McNeill Whistler’s painting Whistler’s Mother, and was staged at home, which was “a shared short-life housing co-op with other artists”, she explains.

More from the Fetish Archive

Technically I’ve no idea if this particular image is actually in the UK’s Leather and Fetish Archive. It’s by the photographer Natasha Gornik, who has contributed an archived collection to them. If it’s not part of that collection then they’re missing out, as it’s a lovely image. It really captures the mood of playful afternoon session.

I believe the domme is NYC’s Mistress Blunt. If you’d like to see more of Natasha Gornik’s fabulous photographs – with lots of the NYC kink scene – they’re available at her site. In particularly check out Good Soup and Community. It’s fun spotting a lot of well known NYC faces (or hands in some cases), a good number of whom have now retired.

Fetish Archive

Dazed magazine has a nice article on the UK Leather and Fetish Archive. Housed in London, it has over 70 different donated collections, covering a variety of kinks and sexualities from the last hundred or so years. I’d love to get chance to browse it, but unfortunately you need to be in London to do so. Maybe I should donate an archive of this site when I finally decide to shut it down?

One of the collections was donated by Eva Oh and includes this illustration of her by Sardax.


He’s some fun femdom art to start the week. Its creator is Decola999 and I sourced it via this tweet by Ald. If you’re a fan of the genre of ‘prone man being trampled by triumphant woman’ then you’re in luck, as there are a lot of equally striking images in their Deviant Art gallery.

Surprisingly, their work is all AI generated. The creator has posted a little bit about the process involved here. It’s one of the first images I’ve seen where I don’t think I’d have ever guessed it was AI.

Home of Heroes

If you live in Massachusetts and have a thing for female superheroes then I’ve got just the house for you. As featured in this Zillow Gone Wild thread, it features over 3,000 square foot of space, 4 beds, 4 baths and a quite astonishing number of life size superhero figures. There’s a couple of Catwoman, a Batwoman, a Wonder Woman, a Super Woman, a striking (if not exactly heroic) Maleficent and many more.

Oddly the rest of the house seems strangely conventional, without any pop culture or comic themes. Either the owner had a very specific kink or it’s a successful attempt to get some viral clicks for the original  listing. Personally I hope it’s the former, as it’s the kind of single minded kinky strangeness that I really appreciate.

Here’s a sample shot from the listing, with Wonder Woman and Catwoman standing guard over the hallway sideboard.


After many years writing this blog, I thought I knew about pretty much every sexual kink going. How naïve of me. There’s always something new to learn. Even if that knowledge may be something you could have lived without.

The kink in question is called souper, which is an attraction to sexual secretions like semen and urine soaked in bread. The Wikipedia page describes a particular manifestation as follows…

This specific meaning refers to individuals who take pleasure in consuming food soaked in the urine of others, in particular bread abandoned and later retrieved at public urinals. This practice was popular in Paris and Marseille up until the 1960s and 1970s.

Not to kink shame, but wow, that’s quite the kink. I wonder if they used the traditional French baguette?

Wikipedia also mentions an alternative variation, where people would visit brothels to consume the semen left by customers. Apparently sex workers would sometimes fake the semen with a mix of egg white, urine and a drop of bleach. That doesn’t sound all the appetizing, but was probably safer to eat than the random body fluids of whoever had shown up at the brothel earlier that day.

Personally, while I do have a bit of a kink for bodily fluids, I like them with unimpeachable provenance and fresh from the source. No added carbs.

This drawing of men about to experience some forced consumption is by Annmo Night.

Epididymal Hypertension

You might not recognize the post title but, if you’re a male sub, you’ve probably suffered from it at some time. The colloquial name for the condition is ‘blue balls‘. I’d always assumed it was more of a mental state than a physical one, but amazingly there are actual medical articles on it. For example, here and here. Intriguingly the latter of those references an equivalent ‘blue vulva’  or ‘blue bean’ condition for women.

Happily it’s a condition that can’t cause you any harm. No matter how frustrated you might be. The recommended treatment is masturbation or, if circumstances preclude that, then cold showers and good clean thoughts. How very Victorian. If all that fails and you’re still feeling a little tense, then maybe a stern mature lady to beat the impure thoughts out of you?

I’m afraid I don’t have an attribution for this image. If you can help with that, then please leave a comment.

Updated: Thanks to the ever resourceful Bacchus over at Eros Blog I can now attribute this to the Perfect Villainess site and their model Marlene.

Toshio Saeki

Continuing the theme of Japanese artists, this emotive scene is by the illustrator Toshio Saeki. I say emotive, as I can’t imagine it provoking a neutral reaction. There’s a lot going on and any number of scenarios and dynamics that the viewer can project into it. It really works for me, but YMMV.

I’ve featured Toshio Saeki in a past post, but I think it was lost in the big blog blow up from a couple of years ago. His work is kinky, explicit and often extreme. Sadly, only a small fraction is femdom.


Apologies in advance. This is going to be a self-indulgent ramble.

Writing my last post got me thinking about my interests as a child. As I mentioned there, when I was very young I liked model villages and dioramas. I remember how much fun I had building shoebox sized miniature gardens for competitions in the local village fête. When I got older – maybe 10 or so – I was really into creating my own board games. I used to make the boards and pieces and spend ages coming up with complex rules and figuring how they should all work together. As a teenager I loved computers and writing my own videogames. I learnt Basic and 6502 assembly and spent hours creating self-contained worlds full of sprites I’d plotted across many sheets of graph paper.

In hindsight there’s a common element to all these interests – control. Well OK, they’re also all nerdy and solitary activities. But control is the bit that’s relevant to this blog. I was the God of the miniature environments I created. Board games might involve other players, but they all had to adopt a defined role and follow the rules I laid down. With a computer – particularly the 8 bit ones of that era – I controlled everything they did. The game world would look and sound just as I made it. They were the ultimate rule followers.

I guess it’s therefore not too surprising that I grew into an adult that has major kinks around control. I never really made the connection before, but that underlying desire to control or be controlled was clearly manifesting in my childhood interests as much as it does in my sexual ones today.

Bondage is a kink closely associated with control and was the first kinky thing I can remember fantasizing about. Even when I didn’t know what kink or bondage really was.

This artwork is (I believe) by Junji Ito, a Japanese manga artist.

Cut Away

This wonderful drawing gave me an odd flashback to my early childhood. I used to love cut away drawings, particularly of towns and houses. They had the same kind of appeal as model villages or dioramas. Tiny little worlds you could peer into. This is very much the adult version of that.

The artist is the talented KouYou, sourced from here. I’ve featured some of their past work here and here.