You might not recognize the post title but, if you’re a male sub, you’ve probably suffered from it at some time. The colloquial name for the condition is ‘blue balls‘. I’d always assumed it was more of a mental state than a physical one, but amazingly there are actual medical articles on it. For example, here and here. Intriguingly the latter of those references an equivalent ‘blue vulva’Â or ‘blue bean’ condition for women.
Happily it’s a condition that can’t cause you any harm. No matter how frustrated you might be. The recommended treatment is masturbation or, if circumstances preclude that, then cold showers and good clean thoughts. How very Victorian. If all that fails and you’re still feeling a little tense, then maybe a stern mature lady to beat the impure thoughts out of you?
I’m afraid I don’t have an attribution for this image. If you can help with that, then please leave a comment.
Updated: Thanks to the ever resourceful Bacchus over at Eros Blog I can now attribute this to the Perfect Villainess site and their model Marlene.