Harmonic Oscillation

I’ve a small triangular bruise on my cock. I’m not exactly sure who put it there. It showed up sometime during my weekend in San Francisco, and so was the work of either Domina Yuki or Domina Ai-Li. Whoever created it, the end result is the same, it makes me smile. Most people probably wouldn’t react that way to genital bruising, but I always like to see a temporary reminder of my recent activities.

It was fun to play again. Getting together with two familiar dommes was definitely the right move. My body seemed to mark up more than it usually does, and I had a few pre-session butterflies in my stomach that I don’t normally get, but emotionally I was in a good space. No lengthy negotiation necessary. No chemistry to figure out. Just a sense of a happy place to return to.

I also got to try something new – a suspended bed with a pendulum weight attached to the genitals. You can see the general set-up below and a close-up of the weight arrangement here. It might not be clear from the shots, but that frame that I’m lying down on is hanging on chains and can therefore easily swing. This meant that my entire body would move as Yuki hit me, and that would cause the pendulum below to swing.  The two systems would then interact with each other as they moved, going in and out of phase and pulling me in painful but interesting ways. It felt like being part of a kinky science experiment, although I’m not strictly sure what hypothesis was being tested.

Pendulum1You can see another top down show here which shows some mild red marks from the beating. They would receive some significant additions a few days later from Domina Ai-Li’s whip. We also did some zipper play, which can be seen here. I’ve a video of this, which I may share, just as soon as I can overdub the embarrassing screaming and whimpering noises which somehow seem to have turned up on the audio track. Can’t imagine where they came from.

Zippering and Whipping

My San Francisco trip is coming to a close. Courtesy of Mistress Yuki I got to enjoy an intense clothespin zipper. Courtesy of Mistress Ai-Li I gained some vivid red whip marks across my torso. This image – featuring both those things – therefore seems like a good one to feature. I believe the lady is Aiden Starr and it was obviously shot for the Divine Bitches site.


Memory lane

I went to see a great 80’s cover band tonight. Drinking heavily and loudly singing along to 80’s hits probably isn’t ideal preparation for kinky fun tomorrow afternoon. My throat will probably be cursing me, but sometimes you just have to go with the flow.

I don’t have a date or attribution for the image below, but I have to think it’s a vintage femdom shot from the 80’s. Something about the boots and the look just shout it.


Out of shape

I discovered today that playing after a lengthy break can have some unforeseen physical consequences, although not where you might expect. The bits that got beaten, whipped and squeezed (ass, back and balls respectively) did fine. I’ve also got some nice red marks across my chest and thighs, but they’re no problem. What’s really sore is my throat. Apparently I was out of practice at yelling and screaming. Either I need more practice being stoic  or more practice screaming like a big wuss.

I’m not really sure what’s going on here – the fun stuff is all intriguingly out of shot – but I can imagine he’ll be making some good noises as this was taken.


The mysteries of life

Of all the many mysterious of life – sex, death, religion, love – the greatest must be the mystery of wifi in hotels. Why is it that cheap hotels typically have great free wifi while expensive hotels charge for terrible wifi? Nobody would tolerate a hotel room where the water only worked some of the time and they charged $15 a day to turn the tap on. Yet somehow we (specifically me in this case) tolerate it for internet access.

I originally suspected that socializing might get in the way of blogging. As it turns out it’s much more likely to be the 28.8K analogue modem that I think this hotel is sharing between all its guests.

Anyway, while my current wifi signal lasts, let me share a picture that made me smile. I don’t typically feature a lot of school uniform themed shots. They’re normally cheezy or skeezy or both. I liked this one because the ‘schoolgirls’ (in the best tradition of adult models in uniform) look like they’re having a lot of fun. There’s a fine British Tradition of schoolgirls behaving badly – as exemplified by the St Trinian’s cartoons – and this seems to fit nicely into that mold.


Slipping on the shackles once more

Regular and observant readers may have spotted that I haven’t written about my own play sessions for a while. I haven’t been hiding anything. Since Lydia retired I haven’t played at all. It’s the longest I’ve gone without getting my kinky itch scratched for many years.

I suspect part of the reason for that is that I’m still partially in denial about Lydia. While I played with other dommes when I traveled, I only ever played with Lydia in my home town. She was always my reference point. Going through the process of finding someone else and seeing them regularly to build that new relationship will be a very clear statement about moving on. At some level I’m still trying to come to terms with that. On an intellectual level that seems pretty crazy, but I’m OK with being a little crazy.

Fortunately, this coming week gives me a chance to dip a toe back into kinky waters, as I’m going to be down in San Francisco. That means a chance to visit Domina Yuki and Domina Ai-Li. I’ve played many times in the past with these two talented dommes (for example see here, here and here) and I’m really looking forward to seeing them again. It’ll give me a chance to relax and play without having to deal with a lot of extra baggage. For doing my first couple of sessions since Lydia, this seemed a great way to go. Hopefully when I return I’ll have my kinky fires lit and will start exploring the Seattle scene more.

I should have the time to keep blogging when I’m on vacation, but posts may be a little more erratic than usual. Apologies in advance for that. In the meantime I’ll leave you with a shot of Domina Yuki and Ai-Li in action


Black and white

I like this shot for the way it plays with a cliche. The smartly dressed domme, with the leather pencil skirt, smart suit and tight gloves is a cliche. The kneeling naked slave is a cliche. This suggests both of them, but composes it in an interesting way that allows the viewer to impose their own fantasies. For a fetishistic shot it’s also surprisingly sweet. The clasped hands give it an unusual twist.

LeatherSkirtI’m afraid I’ve been unable to track down an original source for the image. If anyone can point me in the right direction, then please leave a comment.

Folsom Fair

Once again I missed the premier fetish event in San Francisco. It seems I’m always there just before or just after, but never on the right weekend. I’m heading down next weekend to SF, but unfortunately this year the event already happened a week or so ago. One of these days I’ll get my act together and attend.

I had to laugh at this brief TMZ article on it. Despite the fact that gay men in leather are the majority part of the scene, they still had to describe the images as ‘dominatrix pics’. Apparently if you want to sell a story you have to make it straight, and if you want to make it kinky that means a dominatrix. That’s not to say you can’t see all sorts of gender and kinky combinations at folsom, but the very images TMZ feature under the ‘dominatrix’ title are mostly hunky gay guys.

The above Folsom image is from here and I’d guess from the 2014 event.

Weirdly wired on wood

Axe over at UnspeakableAxe has an amusing post on subliminal signals and manufactured triggers. Given his partner is Mistress Sade and the triggers are all about having sex, then I don’t feel to bad for him. At least he’s not trying to kill the president when flashed the queen of diamonds.

I had my own odd encounter with subliminal signals and rewritten kinky wiring the other day. I walked into a sake store in one of the old buildings in downtown Seattle and after a few minutes browsing bottles realized I was strangely aroused. As much as I love great food and drink, I’ve never been excited by it in quite such a direct way. I don’t browse the Robert Parker site with my pants around my ankles, or feel the need to leave restaurants in an awkward doubled over posture. I love sake, but I don’t love it.

I had a few puzzled minutes before inspiration struck – it was the smell of the building. The shop was in an old warehouse type space with lots of old exposed wood. It’s exactly the kind of space that a lot of West coast play spaces occupy. They typically need large open spaces at a reasonable cost in an area without a lot of neighbors. That means industrial districts, old converted buildings and a rich aroma of aged wood. After years of hot kinky fun surrounded by the smell of old wooden industrial buildings I now have a mild sexual response to it. That wasn’t something I ever anticipated when I started playing.

The space in the image below looks like it might have a similar scent. Lots of wooden flooring and framing. This is from the Dudes in Distress tumblr.

Bondage shot from Dudes in Distress tumblr

Satan in high heels

Yesterday’s post about a yodeling dominatrix got me thing about the idea of a singing domme. That inevitably led me to the rabbit hole that is web searching, which ultimately landed me at the wonderfully named 60’s movie Satan in High Heels. From scanning the description it’s a fairly standard 60’s morality tale of a woman using her vixenish sexuality to lure unwary males into depravity. There’s no dominatrix involved anywhere as far as I can tell. Fortunately, for the sake of this blog post, there is a scene featuring Stacey Kane (presumably channeling the spirit of Satan) wearing leather, brandishing a crop and singing that the female of the species is more deadly than the male. It’s not great cinema, but it is the kind of random pop culture I love stumbling across.
