A holiday from yourself

Yesterday’s post about ‘play acting’ got me thinking more about personas and how we constantly project partial elements of our personalities into the world. It struck me that intense BDSM play represents an almost unique situation in that regard.

I’m someone whose is constantly debating and editing myself. That’s not to say I’m insincere or fake. It’s just that my brain is constantly running and adjusting to the world around me. I like to analyze, pick out subtext and fine tune how I present to the world. I think most people do the same thing, either consciously or subconsciously. Unless someone is a totally self-centered jerk, there’s always a desire to understand how we’re being perceived by others.

The one and only time I think that’s not true is during intense BDSM play. When I’m tied down and being beaten there’s no room in my brain for analysis or reflection. When a needle starts to slip into my skin my only thought is to that sharp slippery sensation of pain. When nipple clamps are ripped away all that matters is the rush of blood and the tingling nerves. The combination of mental submission (which removes choice) and physical pain (which removes thinking) makes for a holiday from the self.

I wouldn’t say that my persona in those intense moments is somehow more true or real than my day to day one. Nobody beating my naked ass is getting to somehow learn the secrets of the inner me. But those are the times when I can forget about my persona and how I’m perceived, and just be in that very physical pure moment.

I’ll finish with an image of someone very much in an intense physical moment. I’d guess the only thing on his mind right now involves those nipple clamps and exactly when she’s going to tug them free.

IntenseMomentThis is from the Divine Bitches site.

All the world’s a stage

Ferns has an interesting post up on the subject of ‘play acting’. By that she doesn’t mean traditional style role playing of the kind where the haughty Lady McFaddleshaw berates and beats Jack, her hapless but handsome stableboy. Instead she’s talking about the traditional dynamic of dominant and submissive and the activities that often go along with that (collars, bondage, kneeling, etc.)

I have some sympathy for the original comment that provoked her post. As an outsider looking in I used to think kink often looked strange.  A hot and sexy strange, but still strange. I wondered if it would seem ridiculous in person, and imagined myself bursting into laughter. Luckily that proved not to be the case. Admittedly I have often laughed, but not because I thought we were play acting and it looked ridiculous.

One mistake I think we often make is to divide the world into real versus fake, when in fact what we really mean is familiar versus unfamiliar. In kinky and non-kinky situations we’re constantly projecting different elements of ourselves and censoring our external representation. Yet some situations are so familiar that we do this instinctively, and so begin to think about that as a real representation, when in fact it’s just one we’re very familiar with. Whether we’re at work or hanging out with friends we’re projecting a persona. That changes depends on circumstances and social dynamics, but it’s always there. The dynamics of kink are very different to the typical workplace or home, but that doesn’t make the kinky persona any less real. In fact one might suggest that most people play act their way through their work life, projecting someone quite different to have they actually feel. Yet that projection is so instinctive that it becomes the benchmark for what is ‘real’ and ‘normal’.


The artwork is by Francois Dubeau and you can see more from him on his site and in his store.

Grab and Squeeze

I’ve absolutely no idea what’s going on here. Well obviously, I know that there’s some ball squeezing going on, but I’ve no knowledge of the wider context. Not sure if this is a shot from a well known series, fan art featuring particular characters or just random femdom hentai. Either way, it’s an interesting piece. Kind of lighthearted, until you see the knife one of them has.

Getting a Good Grip

Enjoying her game

Here’s a fun image to start the weekend with. It looks like she’s gripping his balls with some finger tip claws while spanking his ass. That’s a great combination of sensations – prickly and sharp versus flat and stingy. Not to mention the predicament aspect of the position. Although in my eyes, the absolutely best thing about it is how wide her smile is.

ClawAndSpankI’m afraid I’ve no idea who this is. Judging by the setting it looks like a professional play space, but I don’t recognize the lady involved. If anyone can help with an attribution please leave a comment. I found it on the Continuous State of Desire tumblr.

Earning an honest dollar

A few days ago I had a good rant about the incredibly obnoxious expression of ‘selling their bodies’. Today I stumbled across this Bustle article by Casper Rose that touches on similar ground. I’m happy to say Casper’s article is far better written, reasoned and more personal. She highlights the hypocrisy of how society sub-divide different types of physical labor, as well as the complexity sex work introduces into her personal life. It’s an interesting and moving article.

For an image I’m going to feature somebody looking particularly proud of their days work. This is from the Kinky Domina.

Kinky Domina

Achieving the impossible

If ever there was a headline designed to attract my mouse it’d be one featuring the words ‘Monica Bellucci’ and ‘dominatrix’. It should be impossible to screw up a photoshoot feat featuring one of the world’s sexiest women and hot fetish wear. Yet somehow the latest version of Marie Claire from Mexico manages to do it with shots like this one. No idea what they were thinking with that lighting, makeup and outfit. The pointy bra look wasn’t particularly sexy when Madonna featured it, and nothing has made it better since.

For something actually sexy and subtle, with still a fetishistic hint, we have to turn to the Italian Vanity Fair. The image below featured in the December 2014 edition. Fan of Ms Bellucci can also look forward to her in Spectre, the upcoming Bond movie.

Monica Bellucci

Tonic water

Apparently athletes drinking their own pee is a thing. I had not realized this. A few weeks back I covered the attractive and famous measuring it. Now it’s the fit and the fast that are drinking it. Are all these people simply watersports fans in denial?

Apparently the theory for athletes is based on returning nutrients to the body. Which seems pretty dumb, given the body has just made it pretty clear it wants to be rid of them. However, it does suggest a potential marketing opportunity for pro-dommes who are both good athletes and offer watersports. Not only can clients get their kinky itch scratched, but they might even get healthier in the process! It’d certainly be an interesting line to try at the next physical check-up – “No, I don’t do a lot of exercise, but I do drink the pee of someone who does.”

Namio Harukawa Artwork - Man pissed on in snowThis artwork is of course by the great Namio Harukawa.

Burke and Hare

Excuse me for a moment while I rant. I doubt it’ll do much good, but it will make me feel better. Given the time I spend on this blog, I figure it owes me the occasional indulgence.

The recent Amnesty proposal to decriminalize sex work (covered in this past post) has generated a lot of column inches in the press and a lot of stupid generalizations. It’s has also frequently featured a phrase I absolutely despise – ‘selling their bodies’. Let me state clearly that the only time a news article should be discussing the selling of bodies is if the profession concerned is grave robbery. In any other situation it’s completely fucking obnoxious.

It’s strange that anti-sex workers insist on objectifying the people they profess to care about so much. It’s almost as if they care more about their personal beliefs and morality than the people they claim to be helping. Perhaps Cindy McCain now thinks John owns her body after having sex, but there’s no reason to inflict her screwed up reasoning on the rest of us.

As an aside, I suspect anyone using this phrase has some deep rooted issues around sex. It seems to stem from the same kind of thinking that considers sex as a reductive act that somehow devalues and ‘uses’ up women. In everything else in life practice makes you better, yet somehow something that gives great pleasure, and almost everyone does, is the exception. John Oliver touched on this mentality brilliantly in a recent show.

Anyone who talks about sex workers selling their bodies should have to explain their reasoning to someone like Mistress Natsukiss (below). Then they should spend an hour or two ‘enjoying’ their purchase, and see just how in charge of her body they feel. I’d like to think she could beat some sense into them, but that’s probably too optimistic.

I’ve featured Mistress Natsukiss in several previous posts, including here and here.