These images come courtesy of the Sexography (aka Celia Photo) tumblr. The rigger is Vlada and the model is Falco. I was looking for something striking to start the week off with, and these two images certainly fit the bill. There’s both great ropework and a real sense of emotion and connection in them. Plus it’s nice to see a domme in a regular non-fetishistic dress.
Flicking is one of those things that seems like a pretty mild sensation but can actually build to something really intense.The trick is not to aim for a single strong flick, but use a repeated series of flicks to the same spot. The exact periodicity or rhythm doesn’t matter, you just want to get a small group of nerves constantly singing.
From a psychological perspective it’s a bit like an itch or someone constantly poking you. After a bit you just want to yell ‘Goddamn it! Stop that.’ From a physical perspective focusing in one spot can really exaggerate the sensation. I’m not sure what the underlying mechanism in the nervous system is, but it seems to be a cumulative one, where the pain gradually builds. This is particularly the case when the spot is a sensitive one to start with.
I’m afraid I don’t know the source of this image, although if I had to guess, I’d say it was one of the sites. I found it on the Please Take My Control tumblr.
Updated: Thanks to a very helpful comment from François I can confirm it’s a kink image, specifically from Men In Pain and features Miss Brooke and Andy Mann.
A moment of self-reflection
There are times when I find my sexuality odd. Just occasionally I take a step back and go ‘Wow. You’re really strange.’ I suspect if most of my friends read this blog they’d agree with that assessment. They’d look at at posts about piecing, whipping, pegging or piss drinking and think ‘Yes. You’re pretty damn strange’. Yet for me the strangeness doesn’t correlate with that type of activity. Kinky freaky stuff is just kinky, freaky and fun. Nothing strange about that. What I find strange is the odd reaction I have to some less obviously kinky material.
Take for example the image below. I’m not into horses, boots, humiliation or mistress/servant roleplay. Yet there’s something about the look on her face that pushes buttons deep in my brain. I’ve absolutely no idea why, but for me this is probably the sexiest image I’ve featured in months. I can understand when someone gets hot and bothered over a lady in a skintight catsuit branding a whip. People are supposed to be excited by that. But why does a haughty backward glance in a poor quality photograph leave me feeling distinctly tight in the trouser region? As I said, strange.
Songs about submissive men
The artwork below made me smile, although I’m not entirely sure about some of the song choices. A lot of them seem more like standard love songs, with all the usual cliches those entail. For example, ‘That’s a good idea‘ by Otis Redding sounds to me like a guy trying to talk a woman into taking her clothes off rather than being submissive. I did enjoy the lyrics to ‘Honey, I’m Home‘ by Shania Twain. Not my kind of music, but definitely a song from a woman who knows what she wants from her man.
Song choices aside, the artwork is very cute and fun. I like how happy everyone is in it. The creator is the artist Humon and you can see the original full size version here.
Famous idiots
Hollywood celebrities have been making themselves look foolish in the press again this week. That’s not really an unusual state of affairs, although this time the subject matter is a bit more serious than a badly chosen dress or getting drunk and punching a photographer.
Amnesty International just voted to support the decriminalization of sex work. They did this despite a number of celebrities kicking up a fuss in the press. Famous names such as Meryl Streep, Kate Winslet, Emma Thompson, Lena Dunham and Anne Hathaway were all opposed. So on one side we have a global organization that has spent years studying the issue and helping people affected by it. On the other we have a bunch of actors whose qualifications include looking good and delivering scripted lines in a believable manner. Those are handy attributes to have, but I’m not sure they really qualify you to lead the debate on this issue.
I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised. After all, I’ve vented on celebrity idiocy in the past. I just wished they’d stick to selling silly diet books or crazy religions, rather than sticking their nose into policies than can have life or death implications.
While Ms Hathaway may be abusing the power of her celebrity, I will admit she does look good as catwoman. The movie may have sucked, but she was one of the (rare) highlights
Femdom Image page updated
As the title so succinctly states, I’ve updated the Femdom Images page. Sites that were either deleted or dormant have been ruthlessly purged. The following additions have been made
Hopefully there’s something interesting in that selection for most of my readers. I found the image below via one of the new additions – Pegging is for Lovers.
I’m afraid I don’t have a reference for the original artist. There is signature that looks something like Callo or Caou, but I haven’t been able to track that down.
Flying ropes
Some beautiful ropework in this post to celebrate the weekend. I particularly the contrast between her elegant dress and his naked bound body.
This was taken by the photographer René de Sans, with ropework by Kitty Mooschief and modeled by Bishop. You can see a large version of it here,
Sex toys evolved
While I’m on the subject of sex toys (as I was), Fusion magazine has a good article on the latest generation of them. The main thrust (huh huh) of which is that their designs are moving away from the conventional penis shapes towards whatever works or (in some cases) looks most stylish.
As an engineer I’m a fan of this approach. The optimization should be towards orgasms or aesthetic appeal, not badly replicating nature. After all, we don’t make automobiles in the shape of horses or houses that look like caves. We evolve both form and function.
Of course you don’t necessarily need cleverly designed toys to have fun. Sometimes just a few everyday items from your kitchen will do.
6 Colors or 7 Colours?
Interesting cultural difference of the day: British rainbows are more colourful than American ones. It seems there are only 6 colors in the new world rainbows, where good traditional British ones have 7 – Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet. There’s even a rhyme that British children use to help remember them – Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain. Richard in this case being Richard III, the last Plantagenet king of England. When I mentioned this to my American friends the general response was “What the hell is this Indigo bullshit?” Despite moving here 15 years ago I only just discovered how shabbily Indigo is treated here. That discovery is another thing to thank pride week for.
I mention all this random nonsense because of this colorful new chastity toy, which clearly follows the American convention for colors. The British one would obviously be just that bit longer. It’s nice to see a BDSM toy that isn’t in the usual shades of black, red and chrome. Kink is often fun and why not use a cheerful toy that can put a smile on your face?
The device worn below is in the more traditional design. It still seems to be putting a smile on his face however.
I typically do a reverse image search for most of the pictures I post in an effort to trace the original creator. While the success rate of that is erratic, it will consistently find me a bunch of femdom tumblrs and pinterest sites that have already featured the picture. When it came to the example below, I was amused to also stumble on a bunch of sites from female horse riders. Clearly the idea was not unappealing to them.
Several had posted it with the comment – ‘Where can I find a mounting block like that?’ I think I can safely say that if you attend a munch or play party and mention you possess jodhpurs, riding boots and crop there should be no problem finding willing volunteers.
Sadly, despite my image searching, I’ve still no idea who originally created this image.
Update: Thanks to a helpful comment from François I can now attribute this image to Belgian photographer Kurt Stallaert. You can see more from him here.