A taste of claret

The theory that young blood can reverse the aging process seems to crop up fairly often in the popular press. I featured it last year in a post, I’ve seen it crop up several times since then, and now there’s a longer and more detailed article on it is available. I’m not sure if that’s because there’s been genuine progress, or it’s just a story that ticks all the boxes for a great internet article. It features popular science, an anti-aging breakthrough, an easily understood concept and the opportunity for endless vampire jokes. What’s not to like about that?

If it turns out to be true, it might not only help an aging population, but also fix the student debt problem in America. Rich old fucks might not want to pay more taxes to support education, but they’d certainly pay top dollar for a donated pint of magic youth juice. No need for balconies, billowing curtains and diaphanous nightdresses. Warren Buffet doesn’t need to invest in an opera cape. Just set up a few scholarship funds in return for some regular pints of the red stuff. It’d be a communist metaphor for capitalism come to life.

In the meantime, while I wait for the pesky business of the endless medical trials and tests, it does give me an excuse to feature more hot vampire action. I doubt I’ll ever get tired of that.

Chained Man and Lady Vampire
I found this on the Femdom Artist site, which says it’s by the artist Sebastia Boada.

The pH of pee

Apparently pee is now an in thing with the in crowd. And when I say ‘in’ crowd I mean the small group of people with more money and fame than braincells. The likes of Gwyneth Paltrow and Elle Macpherson are now measuring the acidity of their pee and tailoring their diet to minimize it. Being clear and drinkable seems to be a goal.

Now I don’t want to shock anyone here, but I would happily drink Gwyneth Paltrow or Elle Macpherson’s pee. If they think that’d make them more healthy then I’m happy to help. But back in the real world, anyone looking for a healthy lifestyle should probably steer clear of crazy celebrities and faddy diets. If you think that having clear pee is living the dream then seek professional help. It takes something to make me look like the sane one, but that’s crazy talk.

Of course if watersports are your thing then this diet might actually be helpful. Just don’t expect to live any longer as a result of it.

I’m afraid I don’t have an attribution for this somewhat strange vintage drawing. I found it on the Femdom Artists site.

The end

I played with Lydia for the final time last night. Unless she’s going to retire in the manner of a 70’s rockstar, with endless comeback tours, I’m going to have to adapt to life without her.

Our sessions are usually intense, but this last one was particularly so. Layering sensations is traditionally a big part of our play. Last night in the space of about 30 seconds I was screaming in pain, struggling for oxygen, moaning in orgasm, laughing in relief and crying at the finality of it. Being sweaty, sticky and teary makes for an interesting post session clean up.

She has left me with a lot of memories. I remember her look of concentration when trying to get a needle in just the right place. I remember her professionalism. In hundreds of sessions she was always on time, always prepared and never ever cut corners. I remember her gleeful sadism. She could always channel her inner child playground bully to magical effect. I remember her imagination. Elaborate bondage or interesting predicaments were often the result of ideas she’d dreamed up days earlier. I remember her creativity and the great dynamic we shared. Most of all I remember her laughter. We laughed often together, but the commonest reason for her was my growling or snarling at some particularly sadistic thing she’d done. I might scream or moan in the really intense parts, but it was afterwards, in the quieter moments, that a pinch or a squeeze could trigger a growl from me and a happy laugh from her. I’ll miss that most of all.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to curl up on the couch with several stiff drinks and binge watch Buffy Season 2. I feel in the mood for some teenage angst and heartbreak featuring vampires. I’ll leave you with an image of Lydia very much as I remember her. That’s obviously not me with her in the photograph, but it does show her smile and the kind of play we so often enjoyed together.



Femdom sculpture is a rare thing. There might be millions of femdom photographs and tens of thousands of drawings, but I’m hard pressed to find many examples of sculpture. The only previous occasion I posted an example was here, and that was a particularly modern interpretation. The cast bronze piece below has a more traditional slant. Now I just need to find some femdom interpretative dance and I’ll have featured a full range of fine arts.

Bronze Femdom SculptureThis is by the artist Tom Maseau. Unfortunately I’ve been unable to track down any biographical information on him.

One careful kinky owner

I received an email the other day asking advice on selling bondage furniture. Somebody had a large item they wanted to sell and wasn’t sure where to do so. They didn’t think eBay or Craigslist were suitable. I’ve never actually faced this problem so I couldn’t help. Instead I thought I’d throw the problem to my readers. Where do people sell BDSM furniture? Do the standard sites deal OK with kinky items? Are there any specialized alternatives? Feel free to leave a comment if you’ve experience in this area.

For an image I thought I’d feature a scene with an amazing amount of fancy equipment. This looks like a kinky mad scientist raided a 50’s film set and a modern fetish store. Judging by the white plastic chair, a garden supply store also featured in the shopping spree. The lovely lady is Mistress Eleise De Lacy from the Femme Fatale Films site.

Extreme Femdom Bondage

Keep it down in there

Stories about noisy kinksters scaring the neighbors and getting a visit from the local authorities are not uncommon. I featured the story of Mistress Evilyne and her nosy neighbors a few posts back. The latest example is this story from Germany featuring a vocal kinky couple. I’m not sure whether to be impressed or scared that the police had to force the door down to get their attention.

This kind of thing might seem amusing, but it can have very significant consequences. In many US states, including mine, the police have a mandatory arrest law for domestic violence. What this means is that the police will always arrest someone if they believe there is probably cause that any kind of domestic violence occurred in the last few hours. It doesn’t matter what the ‘victim’ says or what the context was – somebody is going away in the back of the police car. The word of a neighbor, marks on a body or just an anonymous report of suspected violence is enough to get you arrested with no discretion allowed.

I understand the rational behind the law. A genuine victim of domestic violence needs the opportunity to escape from his or her abuser. They might not feel able to speak up until they’ve been separated. Yet for kinksters it can have serious consequences. It’s one thing to have your friends and neighbors know you’re kinky. Quite another to have them think you’re a domestic abuser after seeing you taken away in a police car.

I actually know (indirectly) of a Seattle couple this happened to. They thought their playroom was more soundproof than it actually was. The end result was not only an arrest after the neighbors reported the noise, but a full blown court case featuring their friends called as witnesses. It didn’t matter that the submissive repeatedly told everyone it was consensual activity. Justice is not only blind, but also slow and frequently stupid.

WhipMarksI’m not sure who these lovely whip marks belong to, but I hope they were inflicted in a soundproof space. They look like they’d have resulted in some serious screaming.

Beefy pets

This lovely drawing of a pet and his owner is from the artist Silk Box. The text that accompanied the original tumblr post is well worth quoting in its entirety.

I was thinking about dogs, and then I was thinking about pets, and then I was thinking about beefy pets that are well-trained and sleep in an alcove under your bed, and do 50 pushups while you sit on top of them, and lick your breakfast from your fingertips and sit and lie down and spread their legs when you command it, and anyway.


Pegging your way to the top

Abbi Jacobson, star of Broad City, was recently snubbed for an Emmy nomination. She responded in humorous fashion with the tweet “Who do you have to peg in this town??!” Given there are about 15,000 people who can vote the Emmy’s, the answer is quite a lot of bottoms.

I’ve not actually seen the show, but I have seen the clip that inspired the joke. Hopefully the humorous but positive way they tackled the idea will encourage many more couples to experience the joy of a damn good pegging.

Pegging with a SmileI’m afraid I don’t know who this happy pegger is.