Happy Pride Weekend

A lot of people have been celebrating Pride festivals this weekend. The recent and very welcome supreme court ruling that legalized gay marriage across the US added an extra dose of cheer to this year’s events. I’m still in awe that in just under 20 years we’ve gone from DOMA to the White House being rainbow illuminated to celebrate full legalization.

I wanted to find some rainbow themed femdom art for this Pride related post, but that’s a tricky thing to track down. Instead I think this striking piece makes for a good alternative. Its packed with colors, love and happiness.

Colorful strap-on artworkI’d guess the artist name is Klimt, but I haven’t managed to track down any more information than that.

Patrick Macnee

It has been a bad month for actors I grew up with and that hold a place close to my heart. Christopher Lee passed away a couple of weeks ago. Not just an amazing actor, he was also an incredible human being, who really should have been the star of those Dos Equis ads. Now I’ve just read the sad news that Patrick Macnee, star of the Avengers, has also passed away.

As this article makes clear, Patrick did an amazing job of letting his female stars shine while retaining the balance of the show. It takes quite a talent to play an equal sparring partern alongside Diana Rigg in a catsuit but he managed it. Christopher and Patrick, you’ll be sadly missed. Here’s to all the pleasure you have given people over the years.

The Avengers

Pacific Rim (again)

Here’s some rather nice artwork to finish off my trio of strap-on themed posts. It’s by the artist ponderosa and features the characters Raleigh and Mako from Pacific Rim. You can see a couple of variations on the drawing here.

Oddly enough this isn’t the first time I’ve featured these two characters in a strap-on themed artwork post. They previously popped up about 6 months ago in this post. In both cases I first spotted and chose the artwork before realizing who the two people were. Not quite sure why this particular pair prompt so much strap-on love, but I’m certainly not complaining.

Raleigh and Mako artwork by Ponderosa

Just hanging out

While browsing tumblr for a good strap-on picture for yesterday’s post I stumbled on the image below. It’s one of those shots that I love while being baffled by it.

There’s a very attractive lady, but she seems to be relaxing in a urban wasteland. There’s a big black strap-on, but nobody to fuck. There’s high heels and lingerie, next to a barbed wire fence and graffiti clad concrete.

Don’t get me wrong – I like the photograph. I just can’t help thinking about the 10 minutes before the shutter was pressed. How did they get here? And what was the conversation leading up to it? Did they originally set out to capture this particular shot? Did someone stumble across this setting and think to themselves – “Interesting gritty urban space. What would really work here is a half naked blonde lady sporting an enormous black strap-on.” ?

HangingOutThe attractive lady in question here is Mistress Adrienne. As you might guess from the skyline, she’s a NYC based pro-domme. If you’re interested in experience her large strap-on for yourself, you can find her session information here.

Fifty shades of spray

The best and funniest article on the new fifty shades book would be this digested version of it. I have to respect any article that can repeatedly feature the phrase “My enormous cock” in a mainstream British newspaper.

The worst one I’ve seen so far would be this review, oddly enough from the same newspaper. The reviewer thinks the first trilogy was a fun and perky representation of a mild female sexual fantasy. In the new version she thinks the eponymous Mr Grey is an emotionally abusive stalker who has serious jealousy issues. Yet it’s the same goddamn story! All the problematic issues she cites were there from book one. She even starts the review by saying it’s basically the same book, with the same scenes and same dialog, just told from a different point of view. Apparently it’s OK to act like a abusive asshole, just don’t voice your inner dialog.

Talking of enormous cocks, here’s a happy looking lady sporting a decent size one. I’d love to see a femdom parody of fifty shades where Christian gets the fucking he so richly deserves.

StraponFunI found this via the OnTheKneesNow tumblr. I’m afraid I don’t know the original source.

T & D

Mistress T has a nice post up on the joy of not fucking her. It’s all about the pleasure (from her perspective at least) of tease and denial. I like it because it’s a topic that pushes my buttons. I’m not a fan of the humiliation slant it can take (the ‘not worthy to fuck’) but I do like the teasing aspect (the ‘oh you’re so close’).

It got me thinking about why sexual denial and frustration can be so hot. Generally speaking I’m not someone known for his patience. As a kid reading instructions and getting the right tools was never a starting point for a project. That was something that happened later, once I’d already dived in and screwed everything up with my ignorant enthusiasm. Learning to delay gratification is a good thing. I just always thought the delay should be really really small.

I wonder if for me the delight in tease and denial came about as a process of transference. Maybe it started with trying to prolong pleasure. Stretching out the moment amplified the sensations. Do that often enough and the happy brain chemicals start being associated more with the build-up than the actual event itself. By trying to make the moment last, I trained my brain to link pleasure to the promise rather than the reward. And while a reward can sometimes be disappointing, a promise never can.

Mistress T

Ivy & Harley

Important breaking news – two fictional comic book characters are now dating. The long rumored relationship between Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy has now been confirmed from multiple sources. Forget all those other blogs bringing you helpful advice on BDSM, nuanced relationship advice or sharing deeply personal experiences of kink. Reality is for losers. Stick to this one for all the important breaking stories on fictional characters.

I’ve actually featured these two in one or two posts in the past. Kink often seems to crop up in their stories, so facetiousness aside, I do think this is a potentially fun development that may lead to some entertaining storylines.

Poison Ivy & BatmanThe artwork above features Batman with Poison Ivy and is by the artist Otto Schmidt.

Cheap celebrities

Last month I featured a post on Taylor Swift and her recent fetishistic music video. I wasn’t surprised to read in a follow-up article that a lot of the outfits for the video came from the LA based Stockroom. What did astonish me was that they actually returned the majority of the items. Can you do actually do that? It’s not like they hadn’t been used. The evidence is right there in the video. And it was only $13,000 worth of stuff to start with. I’ve no idea what it cost to make that video, but I’d guess the wardrobe was a pretty small fraction of the total.

Personally if I ran the Stockroom I’d have had a special ‘as worn by someone famous’ sale running the moment the used goods came back in my direction. It’s not like they’re running a rental service over there.

Of course this topic does me the perfect excuse to feature someone looking lovely in something fetishistic. This is Ms Ava Zhang, an LA based pro-domme.

Ms Ava ZhangIf you’re in the LA region and interested in seeing her latex collection in person, her etiquette page is here and her contact information here.

Conversation fragments

Late night conversations in elevators are often entertaining. People have loose lips after a few drinks or when hooking up after a date. Tonight, in my condo elevator, I heard a woman tell her partner she’d fantasized about punishing some work colleague after tying him up with her scarves. I think she meant it to be an unpleasant experience for him, but somehow it didn’t sound like it to me. I resisted the urge to be the skeevy guy in the elevator with an inappropriate comment, and stuck to a ‘have a goodnight’ and a wide smile.

Most of my work fantasy’s consist of me not being there while still getting paid. That’s the kind of fantasy I can really get behind. Perhaps I should enhance them with an aggressive female boss who punishes me for not turning up (while I’m still still getting paid).

Smart woman and naked man

The Gag Shop

It feels like cheating to simply re-post stories from other blogs that I link to. After all, if you follow my blog roll, you’ll have already seen the original post. I fear the God’s of blogging may punish me with a corrupted database or a particularly efficient and annoying comment spammer. However, this particular story is too good not to re-post.

The story starts with a drawing by Anmo Night entitle ‘The Gag Shop’. The title is pretty self-explanatory for the drawing itself. That in turn inspired Sardax to create a sequence of images based around mistresses visiting the shop. In a cascade of inspiration particles (I blame the Hadron Collider) this in turn spurred a quartet of famous dommes to re-create his images in reality. You can read more on slave pj’s blog and on the blogs of the dommes involved: Madame Catarina, Mistress Akella, Mistress Ezada Sinn and Lady Victoria Valente.

I love the fact that people took the time and energy to put this together. Maybe we could use it to start a trend for re-creating more of Sardax’s work? That’d make for some fun scene negotiations. For my next session I wonder where I can find a glass coffin, a small castle and seven naked dwarfs?

gagshop1_photoThis image is the first in the sequence and features Mistress Akella with her beast of burden.