Good doggies

Stories about people on leashes seem to have been popping up in my browser recently. First, there was this story about Britney Spears walking a guy on a leash during her stage show. Apparently she does it as part of every show, but this made the news because it was C list celeb rather a random member of the public. Pulling people out from the audience is nothing new for bands. U2 did a great job of incorporating it into their shows. Green Day used to get audience members to play with them. Sticking an audience member on a leash is a new one to me however.

The other story was about a couple kicked out of a mall because the woman was being walked on a leash. There was also a good follow-up article I spotted on them. Personally, while public play doesn’t do much for me, I like seeing people having fun and doing something different. Public spaces should be for everyone. I have to put up with bad fashion, crappy music and screaming kids in malls. The least other people can do is tolerate a happy looking couple with a leash.

PublicPlayThis is a striking trio, but I think even I’d draw the line at people shopping like this. I’m afraid I don’t have an original source for this image.

What would Miss Manners say?

As eye catching headlines go this one takes some beating – A Princess Once Dueled A Countess Over Floral Arrangements… Topless. It’s got aristocracy, violence, naked ladies and flower arranging all in one sweet bundle. It sounds like something from a 1960’s B movie, but apparently women dueling in the late 19th century was seen as a progressive act.  This was therefore an emancipated duel. I’m not sure acting as stupidly as men did is really progress, but I guess it made some sort of sense in the context of the time.

Probably the most famous female swordswomen from history would be Julie d’Aubigny, who I’ve covered here in a previous post. I don’t think she ever fought topless or over a bunch of flowers. In more recent years we had the famous documentary on the killing of Bill. I believe the duel below was triggered by a disagreement over wedding arrangements, so I guess little has changed over the last hundred or so years.

Kill Bill Scene

Whistle while you work

I found this article on the playlists of pro-dommes interesting. Experience has taught me that music in a professional play space is as common to them as leather, ropes and incredibly detailed instructions about how to enter without scaring the neighbors.

In my personal life music and sexual play have a fairly orthogonal relationship. It’s fine if they intersect, but it’s not important if they don’t. In my professional experiences I think I can count on one hand the sessions I’ve done without a soundtrack. And they were probably because the stereo in the play space was broken. I guess the theory is that background music lowers social tension. There’s no silence to fill with forced conversation, but it’s still easy to talk over if necessary.

Dance and electronic music seems to be a common domme choice, which isn’t something I typically enjoy. Lydia likes opera and powerful classical pieces, which adds drama and a sense of theater to the occasion. The article mentions Depeche Mode as a common selection. Personally I think playing to Violator would be great, but I’ve never yet played with a domme who had than on her playlist. I’d love to do a session to Appetite for Destruction followed by Master of Puppets. I think their energy would work great for a good beating.

Domme with guitarI believe this artwork is by Namio Harukawa.

The male pro-sub

A lot of people make money from offering personal BDSM services. Pro-dommes are the most conspicuous in that regard, but there are also a fair number of female pro-submissives out there. Professional male doms are rarer, but they do exist. What I hadn’t observed, until a couple of nights ago, was a professional male submissive. I always assumed that the market couldn’t support the concept, but Aiden the Houseboy-For-Hire is out there to prove me wrong.

His rates are incredibly reasonable and, judging by his twitter feed, he’s pretty well plugged into the professional scene. I don’t know him personally, but if you’re in the Seattle area and looking for some no strings attached commercial submission, then he might well be worth a shot. I’m not giving up my day job any time soon to follow his lead, but as a Seattle based male submissive, I do wish him all the luck in the world in his chosen profession.

ServiceThis is not an image of Aiden in action. I’m afraid I don’t who this naked gentleman is, but he looks like he’s making himself useful.

Famous people doing stuff

Taylor Swift has a new music video out featuring lots of her famous friends. That means someone I’ve never listened to has created a video with a bunch of people I’ve never heard of. I feel like I’m one step away from yelling at kids to get off my lawn.

While I might not have my finger on the pulse of modern music, I can appreciate a video featuring lots of aggressive women in fetish gear beating people up and shooting things. That never gets old. The video is also a grab bag of film references, so it’s fun to play spot the homage. From a quick look there’s Sin City (referenced by the poster below), The Fifth Element, Tron, Kill Bill, Matrix, Watchmen and every Bond movie. It also puts me in mind of the girl gang from Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, but that’s probably because they’re both a pastiche of the same thing rather than being a direct reference.

Bad Blood poster from Taylor Swift video

Cunning plan

If you hang around on internet forums long enough you’ll eventually come across someone posting a picture labelled with the phrase “Somehow, I don’t think you thought your cunning plan all the way through.” For example this, or this or this. I couldn’t help smiling and think of that expression when I came across this image. A lady should have a knight in shining armor, but possibly not when small boats are involved.

Photograph by Frieke JanssensThe image was created by the photographer Frieke Janssens.

A spring garden with Lydia

I should start this post with a warning: It features images from a piecing session I did with Lydia a few weeks ago. So if you wish to avoid image of naked needled me, then I’d suggestion not clicking any of the links below.

The negotiation for our play was – as usual – very short. I think I said “How about doing some piercing?” and she said “Sure.” That was job done. We’re not big on complicated scripts. I like being surprised and giving Lydia scope for her devilish imagination. A piercing session gives her that ample scope, as she has shown in the past (e.g. here, here and here). In this case she created a decorative piercing all across and down my back. She said the layout and design was inspired by the idea of a walk in a spring garden.

You can see the top part of the design in this shot here and from another angle here. Not content with decorating the top of my back she also planted some needles in my butt, seen in this long torso shot and this close-up. The round design on my butt cheeks is known as a button and is particularly painful. The shafts of the needles cross each other and trap flesh in between. This means any kind of movement pinches and squeezes nerves between needles and creates very intense sensations. Moving around wasn’t really on my agenda, but apparently it was on Lydia’s, as piercing was followed by hitting, and striking, and prodding. That tended to produce a few wiggles.

The marks left when everything had been removed were particularly impressive. I loved the patterns created in the skin. In total I think we used around 120 needles with a gauge varying between 25 down to 18. It wasn’t one of the most intense piercing sessions we’ve ever done from a pure pain perspective. However, it was one of the most meditative, focused and aesthetically pleasing.

Lady LydiaPhotograph of Lydia is by Mandy McGee photography.

Boxy but good

Attractive models being used to sell cars is pretty standard. However, with the exception of this memorable Fiat 500 ad, they rarely have a femdom vibe. This one is I think the exception. It’s for a new version of Volvo XC90, designed specifically for those who get chauffeured around. You can see a larger version of the image and an article on the car here.

The car nerd in me likes the clever design of the seats and the idea of being able to stretch out from the backseat. The submissive in me likes the idea of being a smartly dressed chauffeur ferrying around a rich and powerful icy blonde executive.


D is not an evolution of s

As I was writing yesterday’s post on La Domaine Esemar I had a nagging feeling it was a subject I’d covered before. Searching past posts didn’t find anything, but my bookmark list turned up this article from The Daily Beast. It’s an article I’d intended to post about but never got around to. It’s similar to the Cosmos article, giving background on the people and the Chateau, but provides a lot more detail and context. It’s certainly an interesting article, but there’s one really infuriating part in it.

This deep-seeded dedication to submission, and potential subsequent evolution into dominance, is one of the ways that La Domaine sets itself apart from the commercialized BDSM scene in New York City. People are encouraged to experience both sides, traditionally starting as a submissive and moving into a dominant role, to more fully understand the symbiotic nature of the lifestyle, whereas in other parts of the subculture people will adhere to one or the other for superficial reasons rather than trying, over time, to explore the inner-workings of their sexuality and come to a honest consensus about their true nature as a submissive or a dominant.

Firstly, dominance is not an evolution of submission. The two states are peers and partners. One is not a more advanced lifeform than the other. Secondly, the idea that it’s necessary to explore both sides to fully understand one’s true sexual nature is ludicrous. Are straight people superficial if they don’t first explore same sex relationships? Or have gay people not reached a honest consensus about themselves if they haven’t tried sleeping with someone of the opposite sex? If someone is curious or just uncertain then by all means explore. People’s desires can change and knowledge is a wonderful thing. D/s is not necessarily a binary choice, but some people know deep in their bones what works for them. The above quote smacks of ‘one true path’ bullshit and BDSM hierarchies, and that always drives me nuts.

Mistress Couple at La Domaine EsemarThe above image is Mistress Couple with a slave at La Domaine Esemar.

Cosmo Sex Shocker

There’s no shortage of articles mocking the sex advice articles from Cosmopolitan magazine. I’ve even been there and done that. However, while their track record may not be great, I was pleasantly surprised by this article on Mistress Couple and La Domaine Esemar. It’s well written, non-judgmental and surprisingly informative. Good job Cosmo.

The image below is taken from this blog post on the La Domaine Esemar site. That’s a washing prior to a weenie roasting.

Image from La Domaine Esemar