I’ve finally got around to do some tidying up on my blog page and blogroll. Dead blogs have been expunged, dormant blogs moved to the dormant section and tweaks made to any that moved. I’ve also added some new blogs both to the page and to the blog roll on the right.
Under the general femdom sections I’ve added…
Under the pro-domme section…
Under femdom art…
A couple of new non-English femdom blogs…
- private femdom (German)
- Venus in Furs (Dutch)
Finally, under general sex and kink…
If anyone has a blog they think I should consider then please leave a comment or fire me an email. I can’t guarantee I’ll include it or respond particularly promptly, but I’ll normally take the time to look at any interesting links I’m sent.
Adding Sardax’s blog gives me the perfect excuse to feature some more of his excellent artwork. This piece seems particularly appropriate as it features Mistress Sidonia, whose blog also occupies a popular spot on my blogroll. This is from a series of drawings called The Sardax Circus.