Rope and Cane

While I’m on the subject of caning, here’s an interesting shot featuring said implement. It’s kind of abstract and hot all at the same time. The heavy bondage combined with the cane stripes is pretty sexy. I think I’d enjoy being in that position. At the same time the simple geometric nature of the image, with segments of white flesh against the dark background, create a sense of disconnection from a real human scene. If you stare at it long enough it almost becomes an abstract piece of art.

Rope and Cane

I’m afraid I haven’t tracked down an original attribution for this. If anyone can help me with that then please let me know via the comments.

Brandishing the implement

Mistress Scarlet recently published a post musing on the classic shot of a domme demonstrating that her cane is indeed bendy. I’m sure you’ve all seen the shot – she’s typically glaring into the camera and flexing the cane with both hands. Something like this or this. In her opinion it’s an odd pose that’s not typically seen in actual kinky play.

I have to admit that as a neophyte kinkster, that pose did push my buttons. I have no idea why. I’ve never been caned outside of consensual play, so I’ve got no particular framework for it. There was just something about the visual tension of the shot and the sense of purpose that made it work. I think I mentally categorized it as the standard warm-up position before taking a swing, much as a tennis player positions themselves to serve or a runner limbers up in front of the blocks.

Now I’ve had few cane stripes quite literally under my belt, I tend to agree with Mistress Scarlet. It’s not a pose that I really see people ever do. The most common resting position is with the cane straight down parallel to the domme’s leg, possible accompanied by a gentle tapping against ankle or her boot. Now what pushes my buttons is to see a domme purposely move into position behind me, cane pointing down but just swishing sideways oh so slightly. It’s like a conductor loosening her wrist before launching the orchestra into the symphony.

Yumine Guo Artwork

The artwork above is by the artist Yumine Guo. She has a wonderful collection of her artwork available on her tumblr. She also has a deviant art site and a blog worth visiting. The photograph was the original inspiration for the artwork as mentioned in her tumblr post. I’m afraid I haven’t managed to track down an original attribution for the photograph.

Happy Thanskgiving

It’s Thanksgiving here in America. I always enjoy the holiday, but as an Englishman it doesn’t have the meaning for me that it does for my American friends. They grew up with the idea of turkey in November, where for me that month always meant fireworks and sausages on Guy Fawkes night.

However, I am keen to support the local traditions. For a femdom blog on Thanksgiving I think that means either a kinky pun on the idea of stuffing or a domestic scene featuring a domme dealing with a naked kitchen slave. This year, courtesy of Femme Fatale Films I’ve gone with a combination of both. I’m not exactly sure what’s going on in the first shot, but it does look like he’s about to get stuffed with something. I can only hope they keep their kitchen pervertibles in a clearly labelled draw and don’t mix them in with other utensils in the dishwasher.

Domestic Discipline with Miss Severity Myers
Domestic Discipline with Miss Severity Myers

The images comes from a shoot called Sticky Fingers. The domestic goddess featured is Miss Severity Myers, a London based pro-domme.

Win, Win, Win

I made it back to a damp and cold Seattle all in one piece. Unfortunately I came down with some stupid bug the day I flew back. I guess it’s better than getting sick on the flight there, but it still sucks to arrive home feeling terrible. Before I head back to my sickbed I want to do a bit of signal boosting for a very worthy blog post.

Mistress T is offering free access to her excellent members site in return for supporting a charitable organization named Kiva that specializes in microfinancing. She’s not asking you to give money – just loan it. You deposit some money with Kiva and pick individuals to receive it. They then repay you over time. In the meantime, as Mistress T describes in her post, she’ll give you access to her top quality femdom porn, with the access period determined by the amount loaned. So you get to help a worthy cause, generate some positive karma, get free porn and get your money back! It’s a win, win, win.

I’ve always been very impressed with Mistress T and the way she conducts herself. Both in her professional and personal life she appears to act with great integrity and thoughtfulness. It’s posts like this one, which’ll clearly cost her time and money to support, that really bring home those qualities. Not to mention that she has a truly beautiful bottom!

Mistress TImage of Mistress T’s beautiful butt comes from this blog post. Should you wish to see a preview of what her members site offers then check it out here.

Worship on her terms

I don’t feature a lot of foot worship shots. It’s not a fetish of mine so it tends to get neglected. I also try and aim for stuff that appeals to both sides of the D/s coin, and most femdom foot worship shots seem very male biased.

I like this one however. Firstly, she has a cool outfit. Secondly, she has a nice smile and seems to be having fun with it. Third and finally, she has a pretty good grip on his ear. The instant she gets bored with the situation, I think he’ll be moving upwards pretty quickly. That is if he wants to remain attached to that ear lobe.

Foot WorshipThis image is from the Women Worship site.

Keeping the beautiful people in shape

The very night I landed in LA I spotted this story about an LA domme called Snow Mercy running a fetish fitness class here. I didn’t sign up but I’m beginning to think I should have. After several lengthy meals a bit of kinky purging to go alongside the binging would have been good for me.

What particularly made me smile, in a rueful way, was spotting this post from last month on her facebook page and the corresponding image below on her instagram feed.

Casting call: one very attractive experienced male “slave” needed for a one-hour shoot tonight in a Beverly Hills mansion. I’m shooting with Playboy models for a Brazilian reality TV show. I’m cast as a Domme (big surprise)

I’m actually staying in Beverly Hills. If I’d been here a month ago maybe I could have really made it a vacation to remember. Not to mention having some great holiday snaps to share. I’d have been OK on the experienced part of the necessary qualifications. Maybe less so on the attractive part. Certainly in comparison to the other models featured.

Mistress Snow Mercy administers a spanking

You can play with Mistress Snow Mercy at the Dominion in LA.


Winter has arrived in Seattle. It’s nowhere near as bad as it has been on the East coast, but it’s definitely getting cold, dark and damp. I therefore decided it was time for a jaunt down the coast to a warmer location. That has landed me in LA for a few days of sun, good food and hopefully some kinky play with someone new. I’ll try and post from here but I can’t guarantee my usual frequency of a daily post.

EvilisStrong_4 by Frederic PayenThis image has absolutely nothing to do with my LA trip. I just liked it a lot. It’s be the photographer Frederic Payen and features models Angel and Jeremy.

Not always an act

Introducing a dominatrix guest character is a well known television trope. It’s an excuse to put an attractive actress into a slinky outfit, titillate with some kinky sex, and have the lead characters frown meaningfully while brooding on the dangers of sex and power. The latest instance comes from the series ‘Forever’. I’ve not watched it, but I will admit Hilarie Burton does make an appealing domme. Sadly the script sounds like the usual rubbish. The victim is killed by being electrocuted with a cattle prod to the point where he can’t breath. I’ve been zapped with a cattle prod, and while it gave me a hell of a kick, breathing was never an issue.

Oddly enough, just a day after reading about the Forever episode, I came across this story on the South African actress Yvonne van den Bergh who outed herself as the domme Mistress Baton. It was sadly forced on her by some creepy stalker, but the subsequent article seems relatively straightforward and non-judgmental. They even included a lengthy post from her facebook page explaining how she got into BDSM. The circumstances are unfortunate, but seeing this kind of story handled in a relatively positive fashion makes a refreshing change.

Yvonne van den Berg

The image shows Yvonne van den Berg. I don’t believe she has a professional website but she does have a fetlife presence (under her domme nom de plume) if you’d like to read more of her thoughts.

Screening out the schmucks

Jezebel has a story about a new dating app that’s designed to detect idiotic or unsavory users and boot them out. If you ignore messages, type incoherently or send inappropriate content (which I assume means dick shots), then you get expelled. I like the idea, although I question how accurately they’ll be able to automatically classify users based on the signals they mention. It’s very hard with these kind of systems to not open yourself to be gamed by bad users or unintentionally create perverse incentives. And I don’t mean the kind of perverse incentive that involves fucking someone with a strap-on if they help you out.

I’ve long thought that there was a gap in the market for a femdom focused dating site. It would present asymmetric information, giving women far more control than men, and kinky interests would be a sub-category, rather than the primary category. Women would also have the power to vote men off it if they acted like assholes. It wouldn’t be a popularity contest or hotness score. Just a vote to indicate if a man treats potential partners like human beings or fetish delivery systems. Potentially there could also be an endorsement system which would indicate that although someone wasn’t a romantic match for the endorser, they are socially well adjusted and potentially interesting to talk to. Add in a billing model that excludes timewasters but is cheap enough for a wide variety of people, and I think you’d have a winner.

Man kneeling to kiss woman's hand

This vintage artwork fits nicely into both a dating theme and my recent kissing theme. I’m afraid I don’t know where it’s from originally. I found it on the Femdom Artists site.