Sometimes you get the bear…

I find this image deeply disturbing, although I’m not sure I can express exactly why. Given the attractive lady and amusingly bound bear it should be both hot and cute. Yet somehow it’s kind of freaky. Of course YMMV.

Bound Bear

The model is Lucy O Doll and the photographer is Charles Parks. I found it via the Alternative Femdom tumblr (always my go to choice when I’m traveling and need an interesting image to feature).

Cramped and crated

I’m flying down to San Francisco for a long weekend. Kinky fun is on the cards, along with some good food and drink. Hopefully I’ll have some interesting experiences to report back on. In the meantime I’ll try and keep the posts coming, but they may be more erratic than usual.

Flying on US domestic airlines is never a particularly pleasant experience, even for a short trip. However, I’ll hopefully end up with a bit more leg room than this poor guy. If Emirates First Class is at the top of the travel scale, and United Coach at the bottom, where does a dog crate rate?

Cramped in a crate

I believe this image is from the Riding Mistress site.

Can’t get no respect

Miss Pearl has written some wise words on when it’s appropriate to block and ignore a submissive. Her post is primarily targeted at dommes communicating online and the warning signs they should look out for. However, it strikes me that the underlying sentiment behind most of her points applies to all genders and kinky persuasions, and both lifestyle and professional.

For example, any pro-domme who immediately emphasizes her dominant role or my submissive one in our initial communication is a red flag for me. Similarly, if she can’t be bothered to pay attention to what I’ve written, doesn’t respect my time, or if she appears to be stereotyping me into some pre-defined submissive roles, then those are also troubling signs. I’ve never yet had a good experience where I got a bad initial feeling, but went ahead with it anyway.

I believe one of the key themes here is mutual respect. That’s respect for each other as a person and individual, not simply a D or an s or any other letter of the alphabet. It’s respect for each others time and energy. Respect for personal safety and the social situation. A lot of the issues I’ve seen have flowed from a lack of respect on one side or the other.

Of course showing someone respect doesn’t also mean you can’t do terribly evil things to them. Like make them sleep on the floor, naked, hooded and in chains and chastity. That’s cruel, but she’ll still respect him in the morning.

Sleeping on the floor at the English Mansion

This is of course from the English Mansion site, and I believe the sleeping beauty is Mistress Sidonia. I originally found the image on the Alternative Femdom tumblr.

Vanity’s Price

Continuing the vintage theme, here’s a movie poster from a 1924 Italian feature entitled Vanity’s Price. I couldn’t track down a detailed background for it, but I was amused to discover this original review in the New York Times. It was written by Mordaunt Hall, who was the first ever movie critic for that paper. Given he performed that role from October 1924 to September 1934, and that the review is dated to October 8th 1924, I have to assume this was one of the very first movies he and the NY Times ever reviewed. The review features mention of scoundrels, thrashing, startling gowns and charming of the opposite sex. So clearly nothing much has changed in films over the last 90 or so years.

Vanity's Price


The Institute of Sexology

My British readers may be interested to know there’s a major exhibition on sex due to launch in November from the Wellcome Collection. The exhibition title – The Institute of Sexology – is an excellent one. I’d love a laminated FBI style badge with that on it. There actually was an institute of sexology in Germany from 1919 to 1933. That end date should give you a pretty good hint which particular group of assholes put an end to it.

The postcard below is part of the new exhibition. It was originally sent from Paris to the Austrian psychiatrist Richard von Krafft-Ebing. He’s famous for his studies of sexual behavior, published in his book Psychopathia Sexualis. He didn’t coin the terms sadism and masochism, but it was his book which popularized them. Unfortunately he’s hardly a poster child for kink, as he considered any form of recreational sex to be a perversion. That’s kind of amusing to look back on, given that 99% of sex these days is recreational.

Presumably he didn’t approve of the behavior shown in the postcard. It’s hard to get pregnant while riding a man like a horse and beating him with a rod. At least I hope that’s the case, as I wasn’t wearing a condom the last time I tried it.

Woman seated upon a man like a horse

The odd little moments

I’ve had many powerful and moving experiences in kinky play over the years. Some of them have been almost transcendent in their intensity. Yet it’s typically the odd and funny little moments that stick in my mind afterwards. The giggly aftermath of play or a funny one liner during the set-up.

Last week is a good case in point. I had a fabulous session with Lydia, involving much happy moaning and floaty feelings. At one point she was doing a series of piercings in my butt cheeks, which proved to be surprisingly painful. I wasn’t shy to communicate this fact via some loud groaning, to which Lydia commented it was strange the piercing hurt so much as “…over the years I’ve done terrible things to your bottom.” Despite the intensity of the moment, I couldn’t help laughing out loud to that line. And ever since then I’ve smiled to myself whenever I happen to think of it.

Sadly we didn’t snap any shots of the piercings in question. So I’ll finish the post with a shot of another lady doing terrible things to someone’s bottom. That’s a pretty good impact indentation.

A Hard Paddling

I’m afraid I don’t have an original source for this. I found it on the bossymsbecky tumblr.

Ethical erotica (cont)

After my last post I realized it would be remiss of me to discuss ethical erotica and not mention Pandora Blake. She could be a poster woman for the movement. In the past she’s written posts on fairtrade porn, feminist porn, ethical porn and the censorship of them all. She’s covered how to make it yourself, how to sell it yourself and what can happen when you do that. She even gave away material that her credit card processing company wouldn’t handle.

Her main site is called Dreams of Spanking and, as the title suggests, features much spanking. There’s a variety of gender combinations which I think makes for a pleasant change. Personally I can admire all manner of well reddened bottoms. There’s also a tumblr, which is where I found the image below.

Scene from Dreams of Spanking site

You can see another image from this scene here, along with the original version of this image here. The full scene is available here.

Ethical erotica

I was amused when I first spotted this image. I couldn’t tell if I should file it under CFNM or WTF. I was less amused when I discovered it was shot by the Reality Kings site. Their parent company is D&E Media, which owns a bunch of porn sites. Unfortunately their reputation in the industry is less than stellar. They have a bad reputation with performers, and have been accused of using under age actresses. The one decisions Belle Knox (the Duke student who made the news for starring in porn) said that she’d take back was shooting for one of their sites. While there’s nothing definitively proven one way or another, I’d certainly feel uncomfortable sending any of my dollars in their direction.

It reminded me me of this old post from Eros Blog on researching the background of the porn you buy. Femdom material is particularly easy in that respect, as there are so many independent women producing it. Just off my blogroll I can point to the wonderful Mistress T, the English Mansion of Mistress Sidonia, Lady Annisa’s Medial Fetish clips and the Femme Fatale Films of Mistress Eleise de Lacy. All these producers write about their work and lives, as well as offer great femdom material. There’s also a huge number of independent pro-dommes offering clips for sale. For example – Irene Boss, Cybill Troy, Goddess Cheyenne and Elena De Luca. It’s easy to find testimonials from submissives who have played with and shot for these dommes.

I’m not suggesting that before reblogging a tumblr image you need the life story of all the models, technical crew and the guy who made them coffee. But if you’re going to buy porn (and it doesn’t get magically created for free), then why not send the money to the people you know are creating it ethically and conscientiously? They’re not hard to find in the femdom genre.

Strange CFNM shot

I originally found this image on the Beautiful CFNM tumblr.

And they said I was mad! Mad I tell you!

I’ve been pondering why roleplay featuring crazy scientists isn’t more common. Sadly I’ve come to no good conclusions. It’s a scenario that crops up occasionally in erotic fiction, but very rarely in visual pornography or live scenes.

On the face of it, the scenario seems a perfect one for kinky play. There’s an obvious power imbalance between scientist and subject, as well as lots of scope for cages, straps and fiendish equipment. It would also seem easy to shoehorn pretty much any activity you liked into an experimental set-up. After all, crazy scientists are not known for conducting particularly sane or straightforward experiments. Admittedly, compared to popular scenarios like teacher or doctor it’s not a situation people encounter in everyday life, but it’s a popular enough trope in science fiction and horror stories.

The shot below is one of the rare cases of it being featured in porn. This particular case is from Divine Bitches and has Lorelei evaluating Kip Johnson. Sadly it the rest of the scene appears to suffer from an old school approach to kinky porn. Rather than using the logic of the set-up to drive the dynamics of the scene, it’s used simply as lead in to the standard sexual shenanigans. Like all good scientists at work, Lorelei quickly strips down and starts fucking the subject. I’m not sure what hypothesis she’s trying to prove, but I doubt her methods will get her published in Nature anytime soon.

Divine Bitches - Scientist at work