Cage for 7 points

I thought I’d finish my sequence of cage related shots with this one. It contains several things I love – dominant women, play scenes, red wine – with one thing I hate, Scrabble. My brain just isn’t wired correctly for that game. I’d certainly be no match for the lady in the photograph, the famous (infamous?) Ms Troy Orleans. A few years ago she actually put up a kinky Scrabble challenge, at which she remained undefeated.

Scrabble with Ms Troy Orleans

Just a rat in a cage

Fans of playing in cages will probably be interested in this article. Alternatively, if cages don’t do it for you, how about accommodation in New York for $1 a night? The cage in question, owned by an artist, looks a lot nicer and bigger than a lot of New York hotel rooms that cost hundreds of dollars more. There are a lot of rules associated with it, but violating them only costs $100 per day, which would still make it an incredibly cheap place to stay.

Sadly it doesn’t come with any guards willing to do deliciously evil things to the prisoner. So if you want to reenact this kind of scene, you’ll have to bring your own. And keep in mind that the whole thing is live streamed 24/7.


The image features Jasmine Byrne and Phantom in a Men in Pain scene. I found it via the Seductive Domme tumblr.

Manipulations and modifications

I’m continuing the Photoshop theme from yesterday’s post with this image. It’s another example of a well done modification that sort of works but also clearly looks a little off.

The original image, with it’s chained goat and serious looking Evangelia Randou has a disquieting erotic aspect all of its own. Somehow that high necked dress is sexier than a lot of the crazy fetish wear I regularly see. I don’t think dropping in the hooded guy really improves the shot, but the original is so strange, it almost survives the change. I wonder if the man in the mask is also the manipulator of the image?

Manipulated image of man in a mask

Do It Yourself

I’m always fascinated by the pornographic imagery people create for themselves. I don’t mean the kind involving naked volunteers and cameras, although that can be fun. I mean images that people modify via tools like photoshop to make them better reflect their fantasies.

This isn’t because the end results are particularly impressive. Most of the time it’s exactly the opposite and the manipulation is quite crude. What I like is what they say about peoples fantasies. They speak to the strength of their desires and the very specific fantasies that exist. Despite the vast amount of erotic imagery out there, people still feel the need to create fairly obviously manipulated images that push their internal hot buttons. They can look past the visual glitches and still get off on them. I think they’re great examples of both the creative urge, and the breadth and depth of our sexual desires.

The image below is one of the better examples of the genre. It looked a little off to me from the moment I spotted it, but I still liked the idea and clever way it had been composed. Particularly neat is the hairbrush on the chair. If you look at the original the hairbrush is a new addition.

Manipulated spanking shot

I originally found this on the Because You Are Mine tumblr.

Trouble for the Duke

When someone fitting the description of ‘evil fairytale queen’ calls for her guards, you know trouble is in store for a hapless hero. When said queen has their genitalia in her hands at that moment, things are really looking bad.

Trouble For The Duke

This artwork is in the distinctive style of Hanz Kovacq, and is taken from his Hilda series. I originally spotted it on the Lunar Black tumblr.

Artwork, video and an apology

Apologies for the lack of posts in the last couple of days. It turns out that while I can usually balance blogging, work and a social life, I can’t also squeeze watching the World Cup into that schedule. Hopefully normal service will now be resumed.

While I’m on the subject of the World Cup, I feel I should point my readers at this Kia advertisement for it starring Adriana Lima. It’s not strictly femdom, but I’m fairly certain a decent percentage of my audience will enjoy it.

If Ms Lima in high heels doesn’t do anything for you, let me offer this drawing as an alternative. It’s by the artist Blacksmith. If you like it then you’ll be happy to know there are a number of similar pieces on the artist’s tumblr.

Artwork by Blacksmith

Cock of the wall

This struck me as a very surreal image when I first spotted it. For a moment or two I wondered if it had been Photoshopped after the fact by an amateur pornographer, until this second shot suggested otherwise. There’s such an odd sense of disconnect and contrast between the two sides of it.

I can’t say I’m turned on by it. I like an emotional connection in my scenes. A normal glory hole is anonymizing and dehumanizing . A glory hole with a mechanical fucking device is perversely so. Yet it is an interesting shot. I wonder if it was actually someone’s fantasy? Or was it created as a kinky mad lib? If you give infinite kinksters unlimited toys and endless film footage, will they eventually publish every possible kinky fantasy?

Glory Hole scene

This is Claire Adams with Rick Hunt performing for Men in Pain. I originally found it on the Felm Cyber tumblr.

Going green (or possibly yellow)

Slate has an article on water recycling and desalination provocatively titled ‘Why Californians will soon be drinking their own pee‘. Water shortages are rapidly becoming a fact of life in many parts of the world, and apparently recycling waste water is far more cost efficient than building huge desalination plants along the coastline.

Of course this means that some kinksters have been ahead of the game for a long time. Not only are they recycling fluids, they’re even cutting out the middleman. It’s way ahead of driving a hybrid and keeping a composting bin. Don’t go green, go yellow.

Piss SceneIn this case it looks like the Russians have stolen a march on the Americans. This is from the Russian Mistress site.

No pain, no gain

Are you a male submissive? Do you want to get fit, but hate going to the gym? Do you live in anywhere near Woolloomooloo in Sydney Australia? For the two readers I have left at this point – good news! There’s a Forced Fitness Fetish Boot Camp run by a Mistress Anna that sounds perfect for you. As the article describes it combines kink and fitness into an intriguing bundle.

During the class I push their limits as I demand them to work harder. I make them kiss my boots while they perform push-ups, sit on their laps while they tricep dip, sit on them while they plank for core stability, and I smack their bottom with a paddle if the job isn’t up to my expectations and so on. It is fun, entertaining, and we are keeping fit.

If you’re interested and conveniently geographically located then Mistress Anna’s website is here. I’ll finish with a photograph of what lucky trainees may have in store.

Update: Thanks to the comments of The Half Heard I can also point you towards a lengthy clip from an Australian TV show that shows Mistress Anna and the fitness camp in action.

Mistress Anna and her Forced Fitness Fetish Bootcamp