Caught in a web

This elaborate suspension bondage is by Domina Nia (warning – background music), a New York based pro-domme. She famous, or I guess I should say infamous, for being one of more extreme and sadistic dommes currently working. I’ve no personal experience of her, but I do admire and appreciate the skill required to execute this suspension. And it leaves the submissive in a perfect position for torturing.

Bondage and Suspension by Domina Nia

Strap-on reprised

I though this would make a nice companion post to the one below. Both focus on blond mistresses wearing black strap-ons, but the angle and attitude of the shot is nicely reversed in comparison to the previous post. I also like the fact she’s looking down and concentrating on what she’s doing, rather than pulling a face at the camera.

This is actually an image from the same sequence as one I posted several months back when this blog was fairly new. I always find it very mentally satisfying when I spot and connect images from a common sequence that I’ve encountered entirely independently. The original image I found on a tumblr site months ago and this one was (I think) on a chan site a couple of weeks back. It feels a bit like doing a giant pornographic internet jigsaw puzzle in your head. And to be honest, that’s really the only kind of jigsaw puzzle worth doing.


Abstract strap-on art

OK so it’s not really abstract art. But this shot is taken from such an extreme point of view, with such strong exaggerated colors, it struck me as being very surreal. The huge black phallus, the floating teutonic looking head, the rippled contours of the glove. Somebody should really do a coffee table book of abstract porn art.

Close-up of strap-onFound over at the latex thing tumblr site. No original attribution I’m afraid.

Riding the wooden horse

Orlando on his 333 images tumblr site has recently done a whole sequence of posts on the wooden horse torture and its numerous variations. Historically this was a punishment used on men, but he was frustrated to find very little male submissive imagery that he could post. Instead, in modern BDSM porn, it’s almost always female submissives who are portrayed taking the ride.

I think it’s possible to say the same thing about almost any form of BDSM play – there’s always a lot more female submissive imagery than male. But he’s right, the horse does seem particularly sparse in this respect. However, two artists did spring immediately to my mind who I was sure would have something suitable: Augustine and EmmaS. Both specialize in depicting all sorts of tortuous apparatus for the male body. Sure enough, a trawl through my collection popped up a couple of relevant images.

The Augustine one is below. As you’d expect from him, a simple horse torture isn’t good enough, so there’s all sorts of extra tubes and gags and pumps involved. But the metal horse is clearly a key component. The EmmaS one is more disturbingly graphic and brutal, as is typical with her work, but if that doesn’t bother you then it’s available here.

Augustine - Riding the Horse

dot dot dot

Apologies for lack of posts in the last couple of days. I was struck down with some bug that left me unfit to do anything but sleep or collapse on the couch in front of bad daytime television. Hopefully normal service should be returning from this point.

I was highly entertained by this image when I originally stumbled across it. It looks like a book cover, and although I don’t have a publication date, I’d guess it dates from the 1960’s. Her satisfied expression and his disgruntled one are great, as is the over the top descriptive text, but what I really like is the ellipsis in the title. It makes me think of someone spluttering for the right words, stunned by what’s been revealed, desperately seeking for the best way to fully express the filth and depravity they’re witnessing. You….you….you….fetishist.

You FetishistI’m afraid I don’t have a solid lead on the artist or author. The illustration of the woman makes me think it might be a Stanton drawing but the drawing of the male figure seems a little clumsier than I normally expect from him.

Shoe Shine

This is a surprisingly unusual image. I know that sounds a little tautological, unusual things almost by definition should be surprising, but I’m surprised by the fact that it is actually unusual. Foot and boot worship is a very common femdom theme. The New Boot Black’s Oubliette I referenced in my last post is full of it. And shoe shine stands are a common sight in American department stores, subways, airports, etc. But I can’t think of another example of the two being brought together.

If you look in the mirror you can see the guy in chair 5 turning his head to watch what’s going on. I’m guessing he later turned this into a ‘Only in New York….’ anecdote for his buddies.

Boot worship at a shoe shine standThe lady receiving the shine is Mistress Alex, a pro-domme based in Manhattan. Her contact page for sessions is here, and she has a number of galleries available, including one entitled ‘Wall Street’ that the above image is taken from.

Dirty Socks

There are a lot of junky tumblr site’s out there, posting a random mish-mash of unexciting porn images. Normally this forces me to do a lot sieving before I can separate some interesting wheat from the chaff. But occasionally I stumble across a good one and end up suffering a surplus of fine femdom images. One such site is the inventively named – ‘The New Bootblack’s Oubliette‘.

There were any number of images I considered re-posting, including this image, or this image, or even this one. But in the end I went with the option you can see below. It’s a slightly unusual choice for me, as I’m normally not a foot fetish person. I like a good kicking or trampling as much as the next masochistically inclined male, but I don’t feel the need to worship a woman’s feet any more so than the rest of her. I think this images works particularly well because of the disdainful way she’s removing the sock. It’s clearly so dirty and sweaty she only wants to grab the barest edge of it. It makes the threat of what she might do with it next so much more exciting.

Dirty Socks

From this post on the ‘The New Bootblack Oubliette’ tumblr site. Sadly there’s no clue as to the original source for the image.


Mistress Katya had some poetic words to say about her whips on a recent forum post.

This may also sound absurd but each whip holds a personality within them. My morgan is playful but to the point. It’s my all purpose whip and my most comforting one. It’s like carrying a teddy bear with you. I feel “off” if I don’t have it with me. My Tellas are a little more serious. Sexy black and broken in, they mean business. When I’m using these, it’s because I want to send a message.

The Patterson dragon tail is playful in a very sadistic manner. It’s cute, sexy and will fuck you up. The burn is different then the other whips, it’s like kissing your lover after he ate a ghost pepper. That kiss that burns forever but feels so good as well.

Mistress Katya in a forum post at ‘The Hang’

This caught my eye for two reasons. Firstly, it’s just damn sexy. I want to be in on the receiving end of the kiss that burns forever. To relax and linger in her whips embrace.

Secondly, I think it’s a beautiful illustration of the pleasure a top can take in her tools and from a type of play. There’s often a lot of attention payed to the reaction of the submissive: adrenalin, endorphins, marks and bruising, sub-space, etc. But speaking personally, one of a key components of a good scene for me is that the top is also really enjoying themselves. I don’t want to be with someone just going through the motions. A good scene should be highly sensual, a gratification of senses for both the sadist and the masochist. Ideally it should be a shared intimate act. Not simply a fun fair ride for the submissive.