If they only knew

The majority of blogs on my blogroll are femdom related, but I have a few that are more generally kink or sex related. One of these, Under His Hand by Kaya, is specifically about a male dominant relationship and typically doesn’t overlap with the typical material I post here. However, I enjoy reading it for the very open and honest way she discusses the ups and downs of her D/s relationship. The problems of fitting BDSM play around families and dealing with D/s dynamics outside a stereotypical dungeon space, are common problems for a lot of kinky people. And of course, a fun description of an intense BDSM scene is always entertaining, whichever gender is on the top!

I think one of her recent posts, called ‘If they only knew’, would resonate with a lot of kinky people. She describes visiting a tattoo parlor with her daughter, and the gentle teasing she receives as the straight-laced mom, hanging out with all the ‘freaks’ into piercings and tattoos. Little do they know about all the freaky stuff mom likes to do with needles and blood and pain….

Personally I find that there is something very pleasurable about keeping this kind of happy secret. I always enjoy quietly deflecting questions about what I was doing or where I was on a particular play night. Although I do sometimes run through some possible answers in my head:

“Oh, sorry I couldn’t meet you guys for drinks. I was being tied down by a beautiful woman who wanted to push a whole bunch of needles through my cock.”


“Sorry I’m late. I just spent the last couple of hours with an electrified plug up my ass and a plastic bag over my head. It made it a little tricky to get away.”

Maybe one day I’ll spring one of these answers on an unsuspecting friend. Although I think I’ll try and do it when we’re at a bar and they’ve just taken a mouthful of drink. That should maximize the entertainment value of the reaction.

90’s Flashback (continued)

Continuing my root through the archives, after the earlier Leda post, I came across this image from Taboo magazine. I don’t post a vast amount of F/f material here, but some images are too good not to share.

Taboo always struck me as an odd magazine. For its time it was fairly extreme, and touched themes rarely seen in other glossy top shelf magazines. It also hired very attractive models, used high end fetish gear, and was edited by Ernest Greene, a well known member of the BDSM community. It looked like it should have every ingredient necessary to produce some great fetish and BDSM pornography. And yet it always seemed to me that they frequently hired photographers who really didn’t get kink. They’d chop and change D/s roles as sequences progressed, have models take off the fetish gear mid-way through, and frequently end scenes with conventional legs spread faked lesbian sex shots.  It was as if they didn’t quite believe they could do a purely kink based photo shoot and still make money. It really wasn’t until post 2000 that we finally saw other companies successfully pull together high end production values and really serious BDSM and fetish play.

Fortunately, some of the Taboo photographers did get it, and the sequence this image was taken from was always a favorite of mine.

Taylor and Goldie from Taboo magazine

New Blogs

I’ve added a couple of new blogs to my blogroll:

Contemplating the divine is a blog by Servitor, a self-described submissive boy, and features an entertaining blend of fiction and captioned photographs. I’ve posted on captioned images previously, where I noted that they are often clumsy and badly written. Fortunately Servitor manages to avoid this by combining a sense of humor, a good imagination and an sharp eye for suitable images.

On female dominance of the male is a blog by Saratoga, an experienced male submissive. It contains a mixture of writing, images and, unusually, some video clips. It’s quite dense in information, capturing his thoughts on everything from weird collar me postings to relationship development in a female led pairing.

Two Dommes captioned by ServitorImage is taken from this post by Servitor.

90’s Flashback

I expect that anyone who hung around usenet in the 90’s looking for femdom material will instantly recognize this. It’s from leda, one of the great early producers of heavy spanking and corporal punishment films. The production quality of their work looks pretty poor by today’s hi-def standards, but the material itself still packs a real erotic charge. Any lovers of a more traditional style caning and spanking should certainly seek it out.

This image is taken from a short lived magazine they produced called Ma’am. They only had a handful of issues, but once scanned they circulated for years on the spanking newsgroups. I think this particular shot was also associated with a movie series called something like ‘That dreaded box’. I particularly like the contrast between his intense pained expression and the two women standing calmly at the back waiting for their turn with the strap,

Ma'am Magazine

A shiver up the spine

The tag line for this blog is ‘The beauty of dominant women.’ I like to think that I interpret the idea of this beauty in the broadest possible way. It might be an attitude, an action or an emotion that I find beautiful. And when I started this blog I deliberately set out to avoid making each post an endless succession of hot women in exciting fetish gear. However, sometimes a post of straightforward physical perfection is exactly what’s called for.

I know a lot of people will see this and be captivated by the rather tight dress and her impressive chest. Both of which are very nice. But as usual for me, it’s her face, her stare and in particular her eyes that make this image work. Even now, after having looked at it numerous times, it still gives me a frisson, a delicious shiver up my spine.

Image from Fetish Boudoir by Josselin GuichardThis is taken from the Fetish Boudoir site. The model is called Kay and the photographer/designer is Josselin Guichard. The skirt and top are available for purchase, as are signed prints of the photograph.

Rice Torture

Rohosub posted about an interesting form of punishment that I’ve never heard of before. I’ll let him tell it in his own words:

Here is a photo visualizing one of my wife’s favourite forms of discipline……I usually receive this form of discipline when I’ve failed to do my household chores to her satisfaction. Usually the kitchen chores and the disciplining then typically happens in the kitchen.
She just lays out a decent amount of rice on the floor, tells me to undress and sit or kneel in the rice. It’s ok for a short while but it’s pure torture after a while.

This strikes me as a particularly effective and nasty punishment, as it would seem hard to either sexualize it or get any endorphins flowing. It’d just be boring, then uncomfortable and finally painful. I often read about “punishments” that in other circumstances people pay good money to have inflicted. I can’t see anyone paying a pro-domme to spend an hour kneeling on some of her rice.

Rice TortureTaken from this post by Rohosub.

Big Bird

Ms Marie has a fascinating new post detailing how she suspended her sissy’s cage in order to keep him away from scurrying furry critters. As is so often the case with her blog, I’m impressed by both her ingenuity and the very non-nonsense natural dominance that comes through in her approach.

The hanging cage she created made me think of this image. The text is in German and says ‘The Parrot Cage’. It looks like something that would work well as a temporary display cage. Maybe to show off your pet to other bird fanciers?

The Parrot CageI’m afraid I don’t know who the artist is. It has some similarities to Steffi’s work, but I can’t see it any of his image collections, and the drawing style seems a little different.


After the fairly explicit CBT in the last post, here’s something a little more abstract. It’s a pen and ink wash drawing, for which I sadly can’t identify the author. I love the composed tension in the drawing, the angles and balance between the two bodies, their limbs and the leash. It’s also amazing how much emotion is conveyed in the two faces with just a few expressive lines.


Believe it or not, this post was actually inspired by my previous one on Underling’s artwork. Whilst there might not seem much of a connection between spanking art and intense CBT, his blog is called Underling’s Humblings, and that got me thinking about the other type of humbling frequently seen in a femdom context. As I haven’t posted many humbler pictures to date, this seemed like an opportune time for one.

This is a particularly nasty variation on the standard humbler, as it not only has the cross bar that pulls the testicles back, but also a vice-like component for crushing them. They’re already looking pretty red, and she hasn’t really started tightening the vice yet. Here’s a second shot from another angle that shows it in a little more detail. I’m not sure where the rope goes, but if it is attached to his hands via an overhead pulley, and she’s forcing him to slowly straighten up, then it’s an even more wonderfully sadistic set-up than it appears at first glance.

I’m afraid I don’t know the source of this image, but I recognize the domme as a Simone Kross. She’s a pro-domme working out of Nashville (having just moved from LA) and has been featured on this blog in the past. I’m not sure whether to be proud of the fact I recognized her immediately, or slightly concerned about what that implies about the amount of femdom material stuffed into my brain.

Simone Kross with Humbler