Trust me, I’m a doctor

I always enjoy browsing photographs of interesting playspaces. The amount of time, effort and money that people put into realizing their fantasies can be quite astonishing. And I often find the function and nature of the equipment, the suggestion of how it might be used, can make the images quite erotic.

Believe it or not, the shot below is not from a hospital or doctor’s office. It’s actually the medical playspace at Studio Avalon, located in Berlin. I knew the German BDSM houses had a reputation for being well equipped and very professionally run, but I didn’t realize quite how sophisticated they were. They also provide an impressive list of some of the typical therapeutic treatments available. Alternatively, if your tastes run more to kill rather than cure, they have a number of other rooms, including one with a functioning electric chair. Although their version of the chair has a seat attachment I’ve not typically seen on the more fearsome US version.

Medical Room at Studio AvalonMedical Room at Studio Avalon

Head Sitting

You see a lot of face sitting in femdom images, but sitting on the back of the head is rarer. It looks a lot more uncomfortable and far more painful for the submissive. Although it has to be said that the submissive in question here doesn’t look terribly unhappy.

The dominant is the beautiful Mistress Sade, whose blog you can find in my blogroll. I particularly like the way she has the rope attached so she can easily pull his hands higher up his back. I imagine the pressure on his skull and the tension in his upper arms must create an interesting combination of sensations. Before getting involved in BDSM I always thought of bondage as a means of restraint but not punishment. I’ve since come to appreciate the various ways in can be used to inflict suffering. In particular its ability to create a slowly building pain that a submissive can soak into, like a warm bath.

Mistress SadeMistress Sade is a pro-domme based out of New York. Should I ever find myself on the east coast, I will definitely be availing myself of her session request form.

It’s a tough job, but somebody has to do it…

The beaming smile is great. But I also like the fact that she’s obviously working really hard at this spanking. The bottom (a particularly apt expression in this case) is even having to hold her leg to remain in position.

Perfume companies make a fortune bottling strange substances and selling them to women at inflated prices via ridiculous ad campaigns. They really need to work on bottling the scent of a happy dominant woman after she’s administered a fierce and lusty thrashing.

Happy SpankingI’m afraid I don’t know who the lady in question is. I found the image on the women with whips tumblr site which, like the vast majority of tumblr sites, doesn’t seem to believe in giving content creator attributions. I was even entertained to spot a shot of Ms Marie and sissy there.

The dark half

The shy demure girl who’s secretly a kinky sex freak is admittedly a little bit of a cliche. But I do like this particularly twist on it. And I make no excuses for my love of nerdy girls in glasses. Particularly those who also may happen to be kinky sex freaks.

Secretaire by JoelI originally came across this on the lunar black tumblr site. But the magic of tineye took me to the original artist – joel27 on deviant art.

Clean-up Crew

This image caught my eye more for the dominant’s outfit than anything else. I always dislike it when a domestic scene is portrayed, and yet the woman looks like she’s spent the last hour being squeezed and buckled it the latest creations from her local leatherwear emporium. Admittedly it’s probably not the most practical get up for doing housework in, but that’s what the naked slave is for. She’s just giving him a few last minute pointers on exactly how shiny the floor should be by the time she returns from her evening out on the town.

Clean-up CrewImage is originally from Woman Worship. From a quick scan of their updates page it looks like they have a lot of material in a similar vein.

Kinky Installation Art

This made me laugh. It’s a short film that manages to depict trampling, bondage and spanking (among other kinky things), whilst also showing no naked people whatsoever. The umbrella towards the end looks particularly painful to be on the receiving end of. Note that there’s music that accompanies it (a rather well chosen European electro-pop number), so be prepared for that if you are viewing in a quiet environment.

Elektrotechnique from Lernert & Sander on Vimeo Link courtesy Bondage Blog

My kind of interrogation

After writing my previous post on extreme interrogations, where I happened to mention sadistic secret policewomen, I thought it be fun to find a couple of suitable images. These come courtesy of Domina Yuki’s tumblr blog, and are much more in line with my idea of an entertaining way to extract a bit more information than simply name, rank and serial number. I like the idea of having her equipment laid out on the table, ready for him to see and anticipate once the bag comes off.

Domina Yuki - InterrogationDomina Yuki - InterrogationDomina Yuki is a pro-domme operating from San Francisco. Her session request form is here. I’m going to be heading down to S.F. in May, so may well try and find out what being on the end of her tortuous tools is actually like!

An extreme scene

This post is a little outside my usual material, as it features a scene description with a female submissive and at least one male dominant. However, I found it a thought provoking read and I’m guessing others may feel the same way.

The scene in question is a lengthy interrogation, featuring several dominants and submissives, and incorporating a lot of the techniques the US military have used. For example, stress positions, loud noise, sensory deprivation, breath control and, the really controversial one, water boarding. Emma Jane, one of the female submissives interrogated, wrote a detailed description of it on her blog. It’s an intense read.

This is the second time in the last few days that I’ve linked to what I would call an extreme activity. The previous post on scat and toilet play generated some interesting comments and can be read here. Both of these activities fall well outside the conventional BDSM play that takes place every day in bedrooms and pro-domme dungeons. But speaking from a personal perspective, I actually have a much easier job understanding the appeal of the scat play than I do this interrogation scene. I may not want to be a human toilet, but I get the buttons it pushes in terms of worship, service, intimacy and a kind of personalized objectification (if that’s not a contradiction in terms). This kind of interrogation seems to go way beyond that typical power exchange, and into a brutal stripping away of power. I always feel that even in very cruel sadistic play, the dominant has some sort of emotional connection with the submissive. It might be a twisted complex connection, but it’s still there. This scene appears to try and do everything possible to remove that, which makes it really difficult for me to get into and understand their headspace.

This isn’t to say I don’t understand the appeal of interrogation scenes. I can certainly imagine role playing an exciting scene with sadistic secret policewomen in their underground torture cellar (to pick a random example from my fevered imagination). Some old fashioned electrodes on the testicles or needles under the fingernails seems so much more personal and understandable.

I also struggle a little with the idea of doing water boarding scenes. Not from a safety or play perspective, but from their current political context. It makes me sick to think that the US military has tortured prisoners, and it somehow seems wrong to adopt their latest techniques for our ‘entertainment’. I realize this isn’t an entirely rational viewpoint, but closeness in time and space to awfulness does seem to matter. Role playing a Vietnam POW torture scene today might be weird, but I don’t think anyone would be too upset. It would have been a lot more troubling to do in back in the 60’s when American POW’s were actively suffering.

Anyway, while I might not personally be queuing up for an afternoon in the woods with this group of dominants, I do admire the courage and dedication it take to go through with this type of play. Not to mention the level of trust needed, and the skill required to pull it off properly. My thanks to Emma Jane for the fascinating write-up.

Buckles and Pegs

This looks like a very intense but interesting predicament to be in. I always find there’s some pleasantly objectifying about using lots of buckles and straps. Rope bondage can often be relaxing and comforting, the rope hugging the body and creating a sense of security. But using straps seems much more business like. A quick and efficient way to completely immobilize the thing in question. Rope bondage can seem like an end in itself. But when you strap someone down it’s because you really don’t want them moving for what’s about to happen next. In this particular case, it looks like a lot of creative placement of clothes pegs and a big metal sound was what happened next.

Buckles And PegsI’m afraid I’ve no attribution for this image.